
Author Topic: requesting poetry books  (Read 1153 times)


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requesting poetry books
« on: March 02, 2014, 08:11:34 AM »

I have been looking for these titles everywhere, but can't seem to find them. Any help would be appreciated.

1. The complete poetical works of William Wordsworth
2. The poetical works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
3. The complete poetry and prose of William Blake
4. The poems of Charlotte Bronte
5. The poetry of the Bronte sisters
6. Teh complete poems of JOhn Keats
7. The complete poems of Emily Dikcknson
8. The complete poetical works of Percy Byyshe Shelley
9. The poetical works of Lord Byron
10. The copoical works of Robert Burns
11. The poetical works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
12. The oetical Works of  Robert Browning
13. The poetical works of Christina Rossetti
14. The poetical works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
15. The complete English poems of John Donne
16. The complete poetical works of Gerard Manley Hopkins
17. Colllected poems by Seamus Heaney
18. The poetical works of Dylan Thomas
19. POems by Thomas Hardy

Lots of thanks in advance!