32 History Epubs - Various
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32 History Epubs - Various

Written by Various
Format(s): EPUB
Language: English

Adrian Tinniswood Pirates of Barbary: Corsairs, Conquests and Captivity in the Seventeenth-Century Mediterranean
Andrew Hussey Paris: A Secret History
Antonia Fraser Marie Antoinette
Antony Beevor D-Day: The Battle for Normandy
Antony Beevor Stalingrad
Antony Beevor, Artemis Cooper Paris After the Liberation: 1944 - 1949
David McCullough John Adams
David McCullough The Great Bridge
David McCullough 1776
David McCullough The Greater Journey: Americans in Paris
David McCullough Truman
David O. Stewart The Summer of 1787: the Men Who Invented the Constitution
E. B. Sledge With the Old Breed
Edwin G. Burrows, Mike Wallace Gotham: A History of New York City to 1898
Frederic Morton Thunder At Twilight
Hampton Sides Hellhound on his Trial: the Electrifying Account of the Largest Manhunt in American History
Ian W. Toll Six Frigates: the Epic History of the Founding of the U.S. Navy
Joseph J. Ellis Founding Brothers: the Revoutionary Generation
Joseph J. Ellis American Sphinx: the Character of Thomas Jefferson
Joseph Wheelan Jefferson's War: America's First War on Terror 1801-1805
Patrick J. Buchanan Churchill, Hitler, and "The Unnecessary War": How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World
Philipp Blom Wicked Company: Forgotten Radicalism of the European Enlightenment
Richard Zacks The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines and the Secrete Mission of 1805
Richard Zacks The Pirate Hunter : The True Story of Captain Kidd
Simon Sebag Montefiore Young Stalin
Stacy Schiff A Great Improvisation: Franklin, France, and the Birth of America
T. E. Lawrence Seven Pillars of Wisdom
Tim Bonyhardy Good Living Street: Portrait of a Patron Family, Vienna 1900
Timothy Snyder The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke
Tony Spawforth Versailles: A Biogragy of a Palace
Vincent J. Cannato American Passage: The History of Ellis Island

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Burrows, Edwin G. & Wallace, Mike Gotham_ A History of New York City to 1898 Gotham_ A History of New York City to 1898 - Edwin G. Burrows & Mike Wallace.epub 15.75 MBs
Beevor, Antony D-Day_ The Battle for Normandy D-Day_ The Battle for Normandy - Antony Beevor.epub 1.81 MBs
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Beevor, Antony Stalingrad Stalingrad - Antony Beevor.epub 4.79 MBs
Beevor, Antony Stalingrad Stalingrad - Antony Beevor.jpg 79.91 KBs
Beevor, Antony Stalingrad Stalingrad - Antony Beevor.opf 7.92 KBs
Beevor, Antony & Cooper, Artemis Paris After the Liberation_ 1944 - 1949 Paris After the Liberation_ 1944 - 1949 - Antony Beevor & Artemis Cooper.epub 3.44 MBs
Beevor, Antony & Cooper, Artemis Paris After the Liberation_ 1944 - 1949 Paris After the Liberation_ 1944 - 1949 - Antony Beevor & Artemis Cooper.jpg 54.05 KBs
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Blom, Philipp Wicked Company_ Forgotten Radicalism of the European Enlightenment Wicked Company_ Forgotten Radicalism of the European Enlightenment - Philipp Blom.epub 858.43 KBs
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Bonyhardy, Tim Good Living Street_ Portrait of a Patron Family, Vienna 1900 Good Living Street_ Portrait of a Patron Family, Vienna 1900 - Tim Bonyhardy.epub 11.08 MBs
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Buchanantrick J_ Churchill, Hitler, and _The Unnecessary WarLost Its Empire and the West Lost the World Churchill, Hitler, and _The Unnecessary War__ Hos Empire and the West Lost the World - Patrick J. Buchanan.epub 4.83 MBs
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32HistoryEpubs.txt 1.91 KBs
Burrows, Edwin G. & Wallace, Mike Gotham_ A History of New York City to 1898 Gotham_ A History of New York City to 1898 - Edwin G. Burrows & Mike Wallace.jpg 543.83 KBs
Burrows, Edwin G. & Wallace, Mike Gotham_ A History of New York City to 1898 Gotham_ A History of New York City to 1898 - Edwin G. Burrows & Mike Wallace.opf 10.38 KBs
Cannato, Vincent J_ American Passage_ The History of Ellis Island American Passage_ The History of Ellis Island - Vincent J. Cannato.epub 534.52 KBs
Cannato, Vincent J_ American Passage_ The History of Ellis Island American Passage_ The History of Ellis Island - Vincent J. Cannato.jpg 32.6 KBs
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Lawrence, T. E_ Seven Pillars of Wisdom Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T. E. Lawrence.epub 1.58 MBs
Lawrence, T. E_ Seven Pillars of Wisdom Seven Pillars of Wisdom - T. E. Lawrence.opf 6.49 KBs
McCullough, David 1776 1776 - David McCullough.epub 1.35 MBs
McCullough, David 1776 1776 - David McCullough.opf 6.5 KBs
McCullough, David Great Bridge, The Great Bridge, The - David McCullough.epub 1.46 MBs
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McCullough, David Greater Journey_ Americans in Paris, The Greater Journey_ Americans in Paris, The - David McCullough.epub 15.15 MBs
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Zacks, Richard Pirate Hunter _ The True Story of Captain Kidd, The Pirate Hunter _ The True Story of Captain Kidd, The - Richard Zacks.epub 3.86 MBs
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