A modern introduction to differential equations - Henry J. Ricardo
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A modern introduction to differential equations - Henry J. Ricardo

Written by Henry J. Ricardo
Edition: 2nd ed.
Format(s): PDF
Language: English

The evolution of differential equations courses I described in the Preface to the first edition
of this book has progressed nicely. In particular, the quantitative, graphical, and qualitative
aspects of the subject have been receiving increased attention, due in large part to the
availability of technology in the classroom and at home.
As before, this text presents a solid yet highly accessible introduction to differential equations,
developing the concepts from a dynamical systems perspective and employing technology to
treat topics graphically, numerically, and analytically. In particular, the book acknowledges
that most differential equations cannot be solved in closed form and makes extensive use of
qualitative and numerical methods to analyze solutions.
The text includes discussions of several significant mathematical models, although there is
no systematic attempt to teach the art of modeling. Similarly, the text introduces only the
minimal amount of linear algebra necessary for an analysis of systems.

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One Response to “A modern introduction to differential equations - Henry J. Ricardo”

  1. #1 uddhav Says:


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