Action Comics #1
E book under: Comics

Shared by:gxx6

Action Comics #1

I was extremely nervous over the apparent direction of this title. From the covers to the first three issues along with the fact that Superman is wearing a Superman t-shirt with jeans and work could we not be concerned. What happened to the Superman we all knew?

Let's note that this is written by Grant Morrison. That gives some reassurance but the preview for this issue showed us a more violent-on-crime Superman versus the big blue boy scout we've been used to. I gave this some thought. Morrison did some crazy things on Batman but it turned out a lot had ties to past issues, more specifically the Silver Age books. I re-read my reprint copy of the original Action Comics #1 and of course, Morrison is on to something here. Superman was a bit of a jerk in his first appearance. He busted down doors and coerced the villains into confessions. Just like we have here.

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Creation Date:Sat, 10 Sep 2011 06:17:04 -0400
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