Age of X: Universe #2
E book under: Comics

Shared by:gxx6

Age of X  Universe #2

On some level it's difficult to care about Age of X: Universe when the main crossover has revealed just how transitory and inconsequential the world outside Magneto's fortress really is. However, thanks to some strong character work from writer Simon Spurrier, readers are invested in the struggle of these alternate Avengers regardless. It's a classic example of the "heroes are heroes" in any reality formula. Spurrier's handling of Frank Castle as a hapless government stooge is a bit annoying, but the Avengers themselves are written well and are allowed to leave a small but important mark on the Age of X universe. Khoi Pham's pencils also provide a higher quality of presentation than one generally finds in these types of side projects.

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Creation Date:Sun, 01 May 2011 19:57:37 -0600
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Age_of_X_-_Universe_02_(of_02)_(2011)_(Minutemen-Meganubis).cbr 35.94 MBs
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