Core Java(TM), Volume I–Fundamentals (8th Edition)
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Core Java(TM), Volume I--Fundamentals (8th Edition)

by Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell

This revised edition of the classic Core Java™, Volume I–Fundamentals, is the definitive guide to Java for serious programmers who want to put Java to work on real projects.

Fully updated for the new Java SE 6 platform, this no-nonsense tutorial and reliable reference illuminates the most important language and library features with thoroughly tested real-world examples. The example programs have been carefully crafted to be easy to understand as well as useful in practice, so you can rely on them as an outstanding starting point for your own code.

Volume I is designed to quickly bring you up to speed on what’s new in Java SE 6 and to help you make the transition as efficiently as possible, whether you’re upgrading from an earlier version of Java or migrating from another language. The authors concentrate on the fundamental concepts of the Java language, along with the basics of user-interface programming. You’ll find detailed, insightful coverage of
Java fundamentals
Object-oriented programming
Interfaces and inner classes
Reflection and proxies
The event listener model
GUI programming with Swing
Packaging applications
Exception handling
Logging and debugging
Generic programming
The collections framework

864 pages
Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR; 8 edition (September 21, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0132354764
ISBN-13: 978-0132354769

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2 Responses to “Core Java(TM), Volume I–Fundamentals (8th Edition)”

  1. #1 hitesh Says:

    its good.

  2. #2 rajalakshmi Says:


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