Shared by:sirgate
Kenneth Robeson
Doc Savage 001 - Man of Bronze
Doc Savage 002 - The Land of Terror
Doc Savage 003 - Quest of the Spider
Doc Savage 004 - The Polar Treasure
Doc Savage 005 - Pirate of the Pacific
Doc Savage 006 - The Red Skull
Doc Savage 007 - The Lost Oasis
Doc Savage 008 - The Sargasso Ogre
Doc Savage 009 - The Czar of Fear
Doc Savage 010 - The Phantom City
Doc Savage 011 - Brand of the Werewolf
Doc Savage 012 - The Man Who Shook the Earth
Doc Savage 013 - Meteor Menace
Doc Savage 014 - The Monsters
Doc Savage 015 - Mystery on the Snow
Doc Savage 016 - The King Maker
Doc Savage 017 - Thousand-Headed Man
Doc Savage 018 - The Squeaking Goblin
Doc Savage 019 - Fear Cay
Doc Savage 020 - Death in Silver
Doc Savage 021 - The Sea Magician
Doc Savage 022 - The Annhilist
Doc Savage 023 - The Mystic Mullah
Doc Savage 024 - Red Snow
Doc Savage 025 - Land of Always-Night
Doc Savage 026 - The Spook Legion
Doc Savage 027 - The Secret in the Sky
Doc Savage 028 - The Roar Devil
Doc Savage 029 - The Quest of Qui
Doc Savage 030 - Spook Hole
Doc Savage 031 - The Majii
Doc Savage 032 - Dust of Death
Doc Savage 033 - Murder Melody
Doc Savage 034 - The Fantastic Island
Doc Savage 035 - Murder Mirage
Doc Savage 036 - Mystery Under the Sea
Doc Savage 037 - The Metal Master
Doc Savage 038 - Men Who Smiled No More
Doc Savage 039 - The Seven Agate Devils
Doc Savage 040 - Haunted Ocean
Doc Savage 041 - The Black Spot
Doc Savage 042 - The Midas Man
Doc Savage 043 - Cold Death
Doc Savage 044 - South Pole Terror
Doc Savage 045 - Resurrection Day
Doc Savage 046 - The Vanisher
Doc Savage 047 - Land of Long JuJu
Doc Savage 048 - The Derrick Devil
Doc Savage 049 - The Mental Wizard
Doc Savage 050 - Terror in the Navy
Doc Savage 051 - Mad Eyes
Doc Savage 052 - The Land of Fear
Doc Savage 053 - He Could Stop the World
Doc Savage 054 - Ost
Doc Savage 055 - The Feathered Octopus
Doc Savage 056 - Repel
Doc Savage 057 - The Sea Angel
Doc Savage 058 - The Golden Peril
Doc Savage 059 - The Living Fire Menace
Doc Savage 060 - The Mountain Monster
Doc Savage 061 - Devil on the Moon
Doc Savage 062 - The Pirates Ghost
Doc Savage 063 - The Motion Mence
Doc Savage 064 - The Submarine Mystery
Doc Savage 065 - The Giggling Ghosts
Doc Savage 066 - The Munitions Master
Doc Savage 067 - The Red Terrors
Doc Savage 068 - Fortress of Solitude
Doc Savage 069 - The Green Death
Doc Savage 070 - The Devil Genghis
Doc Savage 071 - Mad Mesa
Doc Savage 072 - The Yellow Cloud
Doc Savage 073 - The Freckled Shark
Doc Savage 074 - World's Fair Goblin
Doc Savage 075 - The Gold Ogre
Doc Savage 076 - The Flaming Falcons
Doc Savage 077 - The Merchants of Disaster
Doc Savage 078 - The Crimson Serpent
Doc Savage 079 - Poison Island
Doc Savage 080 - The Stone Man
Doc Savage 081 - Hex
Doc Savage 082 - The Dagger in the Sky
Doc Savage 083 - The Other World
Doc Savage 084 - The Angry Ghost
Doc Savage 085 - The Spotted Men
Doc Savage 086 - The Evil Gnome
Doc Savage 087 - The Boss of Terror
Doc Savage 088 - The Awful Egg
Doc Savage 089 - The Flying Goblin
Doc Savage 090 - Tunnel Terror
Doc Savage 091 - The Purple Dragon
Doc Savage 092 - Devils of the Deep
Doc Savage 093 - The Awful Dynasty
Doc Savage 094 - The Men Vanished
Doc Savage 095 - The Devil's Playground
Doc Savage 096 - Bequest of Evil
Doc Savage 097 - The All-White Elf
Doc Savage 098 - The Golden Man
Doc Savage 099 - The Pink Lady
Doc Savage 100 - The Headless Men
Doc Savage 101 - The Green Eagle
Doc Savage 102 - Mystery Island
Doc Savage 103 - The Mindless Monsters
Doc Savage 104 - Birds of Death
Doc Savage 105 - The Invisible-Box Murders
Doc Savage 106 - Peril in the North
Doc Savage 107 - The Rustling Death
Doc Savage 108 - Men of Fear
Doc Savage 109 - The Too-Wise Owl
Doc Savage 110 - The Magic Forest
Doc Savage 111 - Pirate Isle
Doc Savage 112 - The Speaking Stone
Doc Savage 113 - The Man Who Fell Up
Doc Savage 114 - The Three Wild Men
Doc Savage 115 - The Fiery Menace
Doc Savage 116 - The Laugh of Death
Doc Savage 117 - They Died Twice
Doc Savage 118 - The Devil's Black Rock
Doc Savage 119 - The Time Terror
Doc Savage 120 - Waves of Death
Doc Savage 121 - The Black, Black Witch
Doc Savage 122 - The King of Terror
Doc Savage 123 - The Talking Devil
Doc Savage 124 - The Running Skeletons
Doc Savage 125 - Mystery on Happy Bones
Doc Savage 126 - The Mental Monster
Doc Savage 127 - Hell Below
Doc Savage 128 - The Goblins
Doc Savage 129 - The Secret of the Su
Doc Savage 130 - The Spook of Grandpa Eben
Doc Savage 131 - Plan of a One-Eyed Mystic
Doc Savage 132 - Death Had Yellow Eyes
Doc Savage 133 - The Derelict of Skull Shoal
Doc Savage 134 - The Whisker of Hercules
Doc Savage 135 - The Three Devils
Doc Savage 136 - The Pharoah's Ghost
Doc Savage 137 - The Man Who Was Scared
Doc Savage 138 - The Shape of Terror
Doc Savage 139 - Weird Valley
Doc Savage 140 - Jiu San
Doc Savage 141 - Satan Black
Doc Savage 142 - The Lost Giant
Doc Savage 143 - Violent Night
Doc Savage 144 - Strange Fish
Doc Savage 145 - The Ten Ton Snakes
Doc Savage 146 - Cargo Unknown
Doc Savage 147 - Rock Sinister
Doc Savage 148 - The Terrible Stork
Doc Savage 149 - King Joe Cay
Doc Savage 150 - The Wee Ones
Doc Savage 151 - Terror Takes 7
Doc Savage 152 - The Thing That Pursued
Doc Savage 153 - Trouble on Parade
Doc Savage 154 - The Screaming Man
Doc Savage 155 - Measures For a Coffin
Doc Savage 156 - Seh-Pa-Poo
Doc Savage 157 - Terror and the Lonely Widow
Doc Savage 158 - Five Fathoms Dead
Doc Savage 159 - Death is a Round Black Spot
Doc Savage 160 - Colors For Murder
Doc Savage 161 - Fire and Ice
Doc Savage 162 - Three Times a Corpse
Doc Savage 163 - The Exploding Lake
Doc Savage 164 - Death in Little Houses
Doc Savage 165 - The Devil is Jones
Doc Savage 166 - The Disappearing Lady
Doc Savage 167 - Target for Death
Doc Savage 168 - The Death Lady
Doc Savage 169 - Danger Lies East
Doc Savage 170 - No Light to Die By
Doc Savage 171 - The Monkey Suit
Doc Savage 172 - Let's Kill Ames
Doc Savage 173 - Once Over Lightly
Doc Savage 174 - I Died Yesterday
Doc Savage 175 - The Pure Evil
Doc Savage 176 - Terror Wears No Shoes
Doc Savage 177 - The Angry Canary
Doc Savage 178 - The Swooning Lady
Doc Savage 179 - The Green Master
Doc Savage 180 - Return From Cormoral
Doc Savage 181 - Up From Earth's Center
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Info Hash: | 78bc2dc7c354811eaa055cb989e6652f01ca53ee |
Creation Date: | Wed, 16 Jun 2010 23:52:38 +0800 |
This is a Multifile Torrent | |
Doc Savage 002 - The Land of Terror.txt 311.61 KBs | |
Doc Savage 017 - Thousand-Headed Man.txt 307.56 KBs | |
Doc Savage 033 - Murder Melody.txt 306.01 KBs | |
Doc Savage 009 - The Czar of Fear.txt 296.74 KBs | |
Doc Savage 024 - Red Snow.txt 290.42 KBs | |
Doc Savage 022 - The Annhilist.txt 289.56 KBs | |
Doc Savage 011 - Brand of the Werewolf.txt 288.3 KBs | |
Doc Savage 010 - The Phantom City.txt 287.19 KBs | |
Doc Savage 035 - Murder Mirage.txt 284.43 KBs | |
Doc Savage 001 - Man of Bronze.txt 284.24 KBs | |
Doc Savage 012 - The Man Who Shook the Earth.txt 284.08 KBs | |
Doc Savage 025 - Land of Always-Night.txt 283.15 KBs | |
Doc Savage 020 - Death in Silver.txt 281.16 KBs | |
Doc Savage 018 - The Squeaking Goblin.txt 280.21 KBs | |
Doc Savage 005 - Pirate of the Pacific.txt 278.28 KBs | |
Doc Savage 032 - Dust of Death.txt 276.53 KBs | |
Doc Savage 015 - Mystery on the Snow.txt 275.08 KBs | |
Doc Savage 023 - The Mystic Mullah.txt 274.85 KBs | |
Doc Savage 016 - The King Maker.txt 273.83 KBs | |
Doc Savage 003 - Quest of the Spider.txt 272.89 KBs | |
Doc Savage 019 - Fear Cay.txt 271.48 KBs | |
Doc Savage 008 - The Sargasso Ogre.txt 270.9 KBs | |
Doc Savage 014 - The Monsters.txt 268.85 KBs | |
Doc Savage 013 - Meteor Menace.txt 268.13 KBs | |
Doc Savage 041 - The Black Spot.txt 267.79 KBs | |
Doc Savage 047 - Land of Long JuJu.txt 265.82 KBs | |
Doc Savage 006 - The Red Skull.txt 265.16 KBs | |
Doc Savage 007 - The Lost Oasis.txt 262.57 KBs | |
Doc Savage 038 - Men Who Smiled No More.txt 260.54 KBs | |
Doc Savage 043 - Cold Death.txt 259.77 KBs | |
Doc Savage 040 - Haunted Ocean.txt 258.74 KBs | |
Doc Savage 026 - The Spook Legion.txt 258.58 KBs | |
Doc Savage 004 - The Polar Treasure.txt 255.75 KBs | |
Doc Savage 034 - The Fantastic Island.txt 254.7 KBs | |
Doc Savage 031 - The Majii.txt 254.39 KBs | |
Doc Savage 021 - The Sea Magician.txt 254 KBs | |
Doc Savage 036 - Mystery Under the Sea.txt 252.55 KBs | |
Doc Savage 053 - He Could Stop the World.txt 251.83 KBs | |
Doc Savage 058 - The Golden Peril.txt 246.88 KBs | |
Doc Savage 029 - The Quest of Qui.txt 246.81 KBs | |
Doc Savage 051 - Mad Eyes.txt 243.56 KBs | |
Doc Savage 039 - The Seven Agate Devils.txt 241.82 KBs | |
Doc Savage 044 - South Pole Terror.txt 240.78 KBs | |
Doc Savage 078 - The Crimson Serpent.txt 240.3 KBs | |
Doc Savage 030 - Spook Hole.txt 240.09 KBs | |
Doc Savage 069 - The Green Death.txt 239.93 KBs | |
Doc Savage 048 - The Derrick Devil.txt 239.37 KBs | |
Doc Savage 027 - The Secret in the Sky.txt 238.67 KBs | |
Doc Savage 103 - The Mindless Monsters.txt 237.52 KBs | |
Doc Savage 052 - The Land of Fear.txt 236.89 KBs | |
Doc Savage 028 - The Roar Devil.txt 235.33 KBs | |
Doc Savage 062 - The Pirates Ghost.txt 233.62 KBs | |
Doc Savage 077 - The Merchants of Disaster.txt 233.38 KBs | |
Doc Savage 095 - The Devil's Playground.txt 232.9 KBs | |
Doc Savage 049 - The Mental Wizard.txt 232.46 KBs | |
Doc Savage 037 - The Metal Master.txt 232.33 KBs | |
Doc Savage 056 - Repel.txt 230.95 KBs | |
Doc Savage 055 - The Feathered Octopus.txt 228.22 KBs | |
Doc Savage 042 - The Midas Man.txt 227.99 KBs | |
Doc Savage 046 - The Vanisher.txt 226.82 KBs | |
Doc Savage 068 - Fortress of Solitude.txt 225.54 KBs | |
Doc Savage 066 - The Munitions Master.txt 225.41 KBs | |
Doc Savage 072 - The Yellow Cloud.txt 223.61 KBs | |
Doc Savage 091 - The Purple Dragon.txt 223.54 KBs | |
Doc Savage 054 - Ost.txt 222.3 KBs | |
Doc Savage 100 - The Headless Men.txt 219.83 KBs | |
Doc Savage 065 - The Giggling Ghosts.txt 218.12 KBs | |
Doc Savage 067 - The Red Terrors.txt 218.03 KBs | |
Doc Savage 097 - The All-White Elf.txt 217.77 KBs | |
Doc Savage 045 - Resurrection Day.txt 217.62 KBs | |
Doc Savage 070 - The Devil Genghis.txt 217.52 KBs | |
Doc Savage 073 - The Freckled Shark.txt 216.3 KBs | |
Doc Savage 081 - Hex.txt 214.88 KBs | |
Doc Savage 101 - The Green Eagle.txt 213.96 KBs | |
Doc Savage 110 - The Magic Forest.txt 213.59 KBs | |
Doc Savage 063 - The Motion Mence.txt 213.33 KBs | |
Doc Savage 050 - Terror in the Navy.txt 212.63 KBs | |
Doc Savage 109 - The Too-Wise Owl.txt 211.86 KBs | |
Doc Savage 060 - The Mountain Monster.txt 211.66 KBs | |
Doc Savage 057 - The Sea Angel.txt 211.59 KBs | |
Doc Savage 098 - The Golden Man.txt 210.94 KBs | |
Doc Savage 071 - Mad Mesa.txt 210.85 KBs | |
Doc Savage 074 - World's Fair Goblin.txt 209.61 KBs | |
Doc Savage 079 - Poison Island.txt 209.25 KBs | |
Doc Savage 064 - The Submarine Mystery.txt 208.97 KBs | |
Doc Savage 114 - The Three Wild Men.txt 208.43 KBs | |
Doc Savage 088 - The Awful Egg.txt 208.23 KBs | |
Doc Savage 094 - The Men Vanished.txt 206.7 KBs | |
Doc Savage 082 - The Dagger in the Sky.txt 206.61 KBs | |
Doc Savage 075 - The Gold Ogre.txt 206.07 KBs | |
Doc Savage 116 - The Laugh of Death.txt 205.82 KBs | |
Doc Savage 061 - Devil on the Moon.txt 205.59 KBs | |
Doc Savage 059 - The Living Fire Menace.txt 205.02 KBs | |
Doc Savage 105 - The Invisible-Box Murders.txt 203.48 KBs | |
Doc Savage 107 - The Rustling Death. txt 203.46 KBs | |
Doc Savage 080 - The Stone Man.txt 203.16 KBs | |
Doc Savage 106 - Peril in the North.txt 202.24 KBs | |
Doc Savage 108 - Men of Fear.txt 200.57 KBs | |
Doc Savage 102 - Mystery Island.txt 199.96 KBs | |
Doc Savage 115 - The Fiery Menace.txt 199.87 KBs | |
Doc Savage 076 - The Flaming Falcons.txt 199.83 KBs | |
Doc Savage 099 - The Pink Lady.txt 199.66 KBs | |
Doc Savage 085 - The Spotted Men.txt 199.5 KBs | |
Doc Savage 113 - The Man Who Fell Up.txt 199.46 KBs | |
Doc Savage 112 - The Speaking Stone.txt 199.35 KBs | |
Doc Savage 090 - Tunnel Terror.txt 199.16 KBs | |
Doc Savage 083 - The Other World.txt 198.58 KBs | |
Doc Savage 096 - Bequest of Evil.txt 197.63 KBs | |
Doc Savage 104 - Birds of Death.txt 197.26 KBs | |
Doc Savage 084 - The Angry Ghost.txt 197.1 KBs | |
Doc Savage 111 - Pirate Isle.txt 197.01 KBs | |
Doc Savage 086 - The Evil Gnome.txt 196.93 KBs | |
Doc Savage 120 - Waves of Death.txt 196.16 KBs | |
Doc Savage 089 - The Flying Goblin.txt 196.05 KBs | |
Doc Savage 129 - The Secret of the Su.txt 192.91 KBs | |
Doc Savage 092 - Devils of the Deep.txt 192.71 KBs | |
Doc Savage 121 - The Black, Black Witch.txt 190.81 KBs | |
Doc Savage 134 - The Whisker of Hercules.txt 190.72 KBs | |
Doc Savage 123 - The Talking Devil.txt 188.75 KBs | |
Doc Savage 117 - They Died Twice.txt 188.09 KBs | |
Doc Savage 128 - The Goblins.txt 187.97 KBs | |
Doc Savage 118 - The Devil's Black Rock.txt 187.66 KBs | |
Doc Savage 093 - The Awful Dynasty.txt 186.03 KBs | |
Doc Savage 122 - The King of Terror.txt 185.25 KBs | |
Doc Savage 152 - The Thing That Pursued.txt 185.18 KBs | |
Doc Savage 119 - The Time Terror.txt 184.7 KBs | |
Doc Savage 131 - Plan of a One-Eyed Mystic.txt 184.64 KBs | |
Doc Savage 132 - Death Had Yellow Eyes.txt 184.27 KBs | |
Doc Savage 140 - Jiu San.txt 183.47 KBs | |
Doc Savage 125 - Mystery on Happy Bones.txt 182.84 KBs | |
Doc Savage 141 - Satan Black.txt 182.54 KBs | |
Doc Savage 135 - The Three Devils.txt 181.61 KBs | |
Doc Savage 133 - The Derelict of Skull Shoal.txt 181.55 KBs | |
Doc Savage 142 - The Lost Giant.txt 181.1 KBs | |
Doc Savage 156 - Seh-Pa-Poo.txt 180.26 KBs | |
Doc Savage 136 - The Pharoah's Ghost.txt 179.37 KBs | |
Doc Savage 130 - The Spook of Grandpa Eben.txt 178.5 KBs | |
Doc Savage 126 - The Mental Monster.txt 178.46 KBs | |
Doc Savage 137 - The Man Who Was Scared.txt 177.37 KBs | |
Doc Savage 139 - Weird Valley.txt 177.16 KBs | |
Doc Savage 143 - Violent Night.txt 176.85 KBs | |
Doc Savage 127 - Hell Below.txt 176.8 KBs | |
Doc Savage 087 - The Boss of Terror.txt 176.71 KBs | |
Doc Savage 159 - Death is a Round Black Spot.txt 176.65 KBs | |
Doc Savage 145 - The Ten Ton Snakes.txt 175.33 KBs | |
Doc Savage 158 - Five Fathoms Dead.txt 174.68 KBs | |
Doc Savage 157 - Terror and the Lonely Widow.txt 174.64 KBs | |
Doc Savage 146 - Cargo Unknown.txt 174.23 KBs | |
Doc Savage 144 - Strange Fish.txt 174.2 KBs | |
Doc Savage 153 - Trouble on Parade.txt 174.12 KBs | |
Doc Savage 154 - The Screaming Man.txt 173.69 KBs | |
Doc Savage 138 - The Shape of Terror.txt 173.51 KBs | |
Doc Savage 155 - Measures For a Coffin.txt 173.02 KBs | |
Doc Savage 151 - Terror Takes 7.txt 172.72 KBs | |
Doc Savage 160 - Colors For Murder.txt 172.37 KBs | |
Doc Savage 162 - Three Times a Corpse.txt 171.83 KBs | |
Doc Savage 170 - No Light to Die By.txt 170.74 KBs | |
Doc Savage 124 - The Running Skeletons.txt 170.13 KBs | |
Doc Savage 148 - The Terrible Stork.txt 168.98 KBs | |
Doc Savage 149 - King Joe Cay.txt 167.94 KBs | |
Doc Savage 166 - The Disappearing Lady.txt 167.75 KBs | |
Doc Savage 163 - The Exploding Lake.txt 167.63 KBs | |
Doc Savage 165 - The Devil is Jones.txt 166.38 KBs | |
Doc Savage 147 - Rock Sinister.txt 164.08 KBs | |
Doc Savage 169 - Danger Lies East.txt 162.78 KBs | |
Doc Savage 150 - The Wee Ones.txt 161.87 KBs | |
Doc Savage 174 - I Died Yesterday.txt 161.63 KBs | |
Doc Savage 175 - The Pure Evil.txt 160.26 KBs | |
Doc Savage 177 - The Angry Canary.txt 159.85 KBs | |
Doc Savage 172 - Let's Kill Ames.txt 157.17 KBs | |
Doc Savage 181 - Up From Earth's Center.txt 156.13 KBs | |
Doc Savage 164 - Death in Little Houses.txt 153.99 KBs | |
Doc Savage 168 - The Death Lady.txt 153.55 KBs | |
Doc Savage 180 - Return From Cormoral.txt 151.59 KBs | |
Doc Savage 173 - Once Over Lightly.txt 151.48 KBs | |
Doc Savage 179 - The Green Master.txt 150.54 KBs | |
Doc Savage 167 - Target for Death.txt 146.6 KBs | |
Doc Savage 171 - The Monkey Suit.txt 146.09 KBs | |
Doc Savage 178 - The Swooning Lady.txt 143.87 KBs | |
Doc Savage 161 - Fire and Ice.txt 139.22 KBs | |
Doc Savage 176 - Terror Wears No Shoes.txt 134.96 KBs | |
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