Fly #1
E book under: Comics

Shared by:gxx6

Fly #1

Most of you probably know Zenescope for their heavy-on-the-cheesecake titles like Grimm Fairy Tales, but their latest book has potential to skyrocket them into the realm of must-read creator-owned territory. Fly #1 by Zenescope mainstay Raven Gregory is a much more grounded effort from the publisher, despite its name. Gregory works out his past struggles with addiction on the page as he presents a story of a group of kids that get sucked into the world of drugs. The catch is, in Fly, these drugs give you superpowers. What results is a surprisingly realistic look at the effect addiction can have on relationships and life, as Gregory presents both a before and after within issue #1. Though he doesn't give any solid details in this installment, the beginning and end result are both established and I imagine future issues will be dealing with the in-between.

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Creation Date:Wed, 08 Jun 2011 18:44:02 -0600
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