Graphics for Learning - Ruth C. Clark
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Graphics for Learning - Ruth C. Clark

Written by Ruth C. Clark
Edition: 2004
Format(s): PDF
Language: English

Graphics for Learning teaches you how to design effective graphics for print or online and computer-generated materials—multimedia, texts, working aids, and slides—that will maximize learning, understanding, and reasoning. Based on solid research on how people learn, this crucial resource contains best practices and shows you how to go beyond the visible features of graphics to plan visuals that are based on their communication and psychological functions. Written by instructional design experts Ruth Colvin Clark and Chopeta Lyons, Graphics for Learning includes a graphic design model that guides you through the visual planning process—from needs assessment through production. No matter how much or little expertise you have working with graphics, this book will help you boost your return on investment by giving you the information you need to design and implement the most effective visuals. Graphics for Learning shows how to:

Select the graphics that can impr ove learning and workplace performance.
Plan the most appropriate visual for computer or paper instructional materials.

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