Idiom of Oz - Funny Authentic Australian Language - Jake Jacobs
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Idiom of Oz - Funny Authentic Australian Language - Jake Jacobs

Written by Jake Jacobs
Edition: 2009
Format(s): PDF
Language: English

G'day All! The Idiom of Oz helps you unlock the mysteries of "Aussie slang" and uniquely Australian phrases that have tested and spanned time, life, and geography across the land of Oz.

This is an absolutely necessary language reference book to understanding and using Aussie English.

Don t be daft or fool yourself; if you're a foreigner or tourist traveling to, working at, or just generally curious about Oz.... you need this Australian Language guide. After reading this Aussie/English translation, you will be able to creatively avoid the pains, frustrations, and embarrassments that the most tourists (including the author) initially experienced. Instead you will be able to thoroughly enjoy each and every opportunity to connect with the folks in the land-of-plenty.

Whether you're enjoying a holiday on a white sandy beach, on a tram , dancing through the local arcade , or having tucker (perhaps a meatpie floatie or mixed grill ) with a complimentary glass of Australian wine or beer, you can relax knowing that you won't be labeled a burk (as long as you have a handy copy of this book in your pram , back pocket, or handbag).

The Australian English, terms, slang, and phrases are funny, raw, entertaining and (often) confusing.

Author Jake Jacobs provides this authentic Aussie English reference guide to help you understand the history, and uniqueness of the Australian language, while helping you achieve more meaningful conversations with your Aussie mates.

Be a battler (not a wacker )..... and give it a go ! Tah......

As odd or funny as it may seem; yes, this book of the Australian idiom needs to have a legal disclaimer citing the use of the text within it. The Author of this book does not dispense medical or educational advice, or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, philosophical, educational or medical problems without the advice of a professor or physician, either direct or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of good, humorous, and general nature to help you in your quest to grow culturally. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions (or those of others).

Some strong language is used in this book, but only as it directly applies or relates to the material being covered.

The theme of this authentic book of the modern day Australian slang, and Jacobs desires all that read it to be fully prepared should they find such terminology during Oz encounters.

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