Introduction to Logic
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Introduction to Logic

Harry J. Gensler

Introduction to Logic combines likely the broadest scope of any logic textbook available with clear, concise writing and interesting examples and arguments. Its key features, all retained in the Second Edition, include:

• Simpler ways to test arguments than those available in competing textbooks, including the star test for syllogisms
• A wide scope of materials, making it suitable for introductory logic courses (as the primary text) or intermediate classes (as the primary or supplementary book)
• Engaging and easy-to-understand examples and arguments, drawn from everyday life as well as from the great philosophers
• A suitability for self-study and for preparation for standardized tests, like the LSAT
• A reasonable price (a third of the cost of many competitors)
• Exercises that correspond to the LogiCola program, which may be downloaded for free from the web

This Second Edition also:

• Arranges chapters in a more useful way for students, starting with the easiest material and then gradually increasing in difficulty
• Provides an even broader scope with new chapters on the history of logic, deviant logic, and the philosophy of logic
• Expands the section on informal fallacies
• Includes a more exhaustive index and a new appendix on suggested further readings
• Updates the LogiCola instructional program, which is now more visually attractive as well as easier to download, install, update, and use

432 pages
2 edition (January 21, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0415996511
ISBN-13: 978-0415996518

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