Java For Dummies - Barry Burd
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Java For Dummies  - Barry Burd

Written by Barry Burd
Edition: 5th
Format(s): PDF
Language: English

Java is the platform-independent, object-oriented programming language used for developing web and mobile applications. The revised version offers new functionality and features that have programmers excited, and this popular guide covers them all. This book helps programmers create basic Java objects and learn when they can reuse existing code. It's just what inexperienced Java developers need to get going quickly with Java 2 Standard Edition 7.0 (J2SE 7.0) and Java Development Kit 7.0 (JDK 7).

Explores how the new version of Java offers more robust functionality and new features such as closures to keep Java competitive with more syntax-friendly languages like Python and Ruby
Covers object-oriented programming basics with Java, code reuse, the essentials of creating a Java program using the new JDK 7, creating basic Java objects, and new Eclipse features
A companion web site offers all code from the book and bonus chapters

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