Menopause For Dummies
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Menopause For Dummies

Marcia Jones (Author)
As baby boomers hit their late forties and fifties, women are entering menopause in record numbers. Soon, for the first time in history, there will be more women beyond menopause than have yet to go through it. Yet, amazingly, getting reliable, practical information about menopause isn’t easy. Usually the only information you’re likely to find is in the glossy brochures from pharmaceutical companies scattered around your gynecologist’s waiting room. If you’re really persistent, you can hunt down an article or two in medical journals, but it’s a safe bet that you’ll be sound asleep long before you find straightforward answers even to one of your practical questions.

Whether you’re going through the change, have already been there, or are about to start off down that road, you’ll find the information you need in Menopause For Dummies. In plain English, it covers all the health issues and therapy choices that confront women during the menopausal years. It helps y ou:

* Put menopause in perspective
* Understand how it can affect your body, emotions ,and libido
* Evaluate your risk of disease
* Know all your therapy options
* Make sense of the hormone therapy debate
* Ask intelligent questions and discuss your alternatives with you doctor
* Make smarter life-style choices
* Live a long, healthy life

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