Moon Knight #1
E book under: Comics

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Moon Knight #1

At long last, the glory of my summer has arrived. Like many of you, I have undying devotion to Brian Bendis and Alex Maleev's run on Daredevil. Naturally, when news broke of their revamp of Moon Knight, I was beyond ecstatic. To start, Moon Knight #1 is a sigh of relief for those of us that got right sick of Marc Spector's pill popping ways as he sobbed in the corner of his darkened bedroom like a burgeoning goth kid. Bendis has transformed him into a successful Hollywood producer, yet he really hasn't changed all that much about it him. Just the whining part. Rest assured, this new Marc Spector is still bats**t crazy.

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Creation Date:Thu, 05 May 2011 01:22:30 -0600
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