Nightwing #1
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Nightwing #1

It's no secret that I enjoyed Dick Grayson as Batman. It was especially made clear in Detective Comics. We got to see Dick evolve as a character and grow into a better hero. While I was excited for the return of the Nightwing persona, I wasn't sure how the execution would turn out. Seeing Nightwing leaping off rooftops in the very beginning, with a blazing red symbol on his chest, makes it clear that Dick should be Nightwing. It's definitely more fitting for who he is. He had mentioned in the past about difficulties with his acrobatic ways and the Batman costume, specifically the cape. Seeing him in action just amps up the level of excitement. Nightwing is back.

The inner monologue Dick shares about his time as Batman and what it's taught him reassures us that those stories haven't disappeared with 'The New 52.' He mentions how things in the city have changed and even how the city started to change him, a theme common to Scott Snyder's Batman #1. After surviving everything the city could throw at him as Batman, Dick should be able to take on anything, right? But what happens when Haley's Circus comes to town?

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