Pro Drupal 7 Development
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Pro Drupal 7 Development

Todd Tomlinson (Author)
Pro Drupal 7 Development updates the most popular development reference for the newest major release of Drupal. With several new and completely-rewritten essential APIs and improvements in Drupal 7, this book will not only teach developers how to write modules ranging from simple to complex, but also how Drupal itself works.

* Learn the Drupal APIs and major changes in Drupal 7
* Learn how to write Drupal modules using the APIs
* Learn proper development practices and how to become a contributing community member

What you’ll learn

* How to get started with writing basic modules
* The flexible Drupal APIs and how they interact with modules
* How new features in Drupal 7 make modules even more powerful and sophisticated
* Best practices when developing in Drupal (coding standards, help developer modules)
* How to write safe, secure, and tested code
* How to contribute modules back to the Drupal community and maintain their modules using CVS

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