SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation
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SPSS for Introductory Statistics: Use and Interpretation

by George A. Morgan (Author), Nancy L. Leech (Author), Gene W. Gloeckner (Author), Karen C. Barrett (Author) "The research process begins with an issue or problem of interest to the researcher..."

Designed to help students learn to analyze and interpret research data using basic statistics, this new edition features SPSS 12.0, but can also be used with earlier versions. Each chapter introduces several statistics and provides instructions on how to run them and interpret the output. The authors describe the use and interpretation of these statistics in user-friendly, nontechnical language. The authors demonstrate how to choose the appropriate statistic based on the research design, how to interpret SPSS outputs, how to use SPSS to answer research questions, and how to write about the outputs.

SPSS for Introductory Statistics, 2/e provides unique learning tools:
* all of the key SPSS windows needed to perform the analyses;
* complete outputs of what students can expect to produce with call-out boxes to highlight what to focus on;
* interpretation sections and questions to help students better understand the output; and
* lab assignments organized in a manner similar to the way in which students proceed when they prepare data for a research project.

Features new to this second edition include:
*a discussion of effect size in each interpretation section;
*discussions of assumptions when statistics are first introduced;
*two data sets now available on a CD in the back of the book;
*a new chapter on data coding, entry, and checking;
*increased emphasis on descriptive and non-parametric statistics, testing assumptions, and reliability assessment;
*SPSS syntax, with output, for those who prefer this format; and
*an Instructor's CD with PowerPoint slides.

This book is an ideal supplement for advanced courses in basic statistics or research methods found in departments of psychology, education, and other social and health sciences.

224 pages
Publisher: Lawrence Erlbaum; 2 edition (April 6, 2004)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0805847898
ISBN-13: 978-0805847895

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Creation Date:Wed, 31 May 2006 14:07:38 +0800
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