Start and Run Your Own Coffee Shop and Lunch Bar (How-to)
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Start and Run Your Own Coffee Shop and Lunch Bar (How-to)

by Heather Lyon

From business plan to recipes, this book will give you all the information and advice you will need to help you set up and run a coffee shop and lunch bar. In it you will find the expert advice, first hand experience, and practical information to make your new business a success. This book features: choosing the right location, creating a useful image and choosing an appropriate name, planning an attractive menu, employing and training the right staff, finding and dealing with helpful suppliers, keeping to the required health and safety regulations, and more - including popular recipes from the author's own coffee shop.

206 pages
Publisher: How to Books (February 15, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1845282833
ISBN-13: 978-1845282837

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Info Hash:c6e35b661782a4914c740a02ce3ac82e191bc6e0
Creation Date:Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:59:14 +0800
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2 Responses to “Start and Run Your Own Coffee Shop and Lunch Bar (How-to)”

  1. #1 Kim Miles Says:

    My church is in the process of opening a non-profit coffee shop. We can use all the help we can get.

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