The Novel 100: A Ranking of the Greatest Novels of All Time
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A Ranking of the Greatest Novels of All Time

Daniel S. Burt (Author)
Mr. Burt has taken a stab at the thankless, controversial, and questionable task of ranking the world's greatest 100 novels in numerical sequence, and justifying his decisions in about five pages per novel. (There is also a second, unelaborated list of 100 "honorable mention" novels.)

I would say that, all things considered, he has done quite well. He is strongest on summarizing the novels in such a way that we are eager to read (or reread) them, and in placing them in their historical and literary-historical context. He doesn't do quite so much with style. This is perhaps understandable, given not only his space limitations, but also the fact that many of the works were not written in English.

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