Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jüri Lina
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Under the Sign of the Scorpion - Jüri Lina

Written by Jüri Lina
Edition: 2002
Format(s): PDF
Language: English

Juri Lina's book is, sadly, hard to come by. But those who have the wherewithal to acquire it will have in their hands one of the absolute keys to understanding modern world history. Between these covers, Lina reveals the result of extensive research into the newly released Soviet archives. With this, he exposes the truth behind the bloody Soviet regime and, most importantly, the international conspiracy that created and supported it.

I would say that if one were to read the following in succession, they would be far ahead of the average history graduate student in terms of what really took place in Holy Russia and Soviet Russia, which are, of course, two entirely different polities:

Third Rome by Matthew Raphael Johnson
Last Days of the Romanovs by Robert Wilton
Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Yuri Lina

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Comment:Juri Lina reveals the result of extensive research into the newly released Soviet archives. With this, he exposes the truth behind the bloody Soviet regime and, most importantly, the international conspiracy that created and supported it.
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