Batman and Robin #18
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Batman and Robin #18

When a series like Batman and Robin requires a fill-in arc, DC could do far worse than turn to Paul Cornell. Unfortunately, Cornall doesn't work quite the same magic on this series he has with Action Comics and Knight and Squire. Issue #18 suffers particularly from a distinct lack of both title characters. Much of the pages are devoted to exploring Una Nemo's past with Bruce Wayne and her transformation into The Absence. Cornell is never quite able to sell her as a legitimate member of the Bruce Wayne ex-girlfriends club, and her entire character begins to fray at the seams. At best, The Absence seems like a good concept in need of more fleshing out. And unfortunately, the heavy focus on her back-story prevents Cornell from devoting much time to the Dynamic Duo. It seems questionable to even pit them against a character like Una when Bruce's direct involvement would probably bring more to the story. Only a lone page is allotted for exploring Dick and Damian's evolving relationship post-Return of Bruce Wayne.

Not helping matters is Scott McDaniel's art. McDaniel's style is far too loose and scratchy for its own good. Characters are overly stylized and angular, to the point where most of the male characters and even some of the females are interchangeable in appearance. McDaniel's page structure is a bit improved from the previous issue, at least. This story arc does what it needs to as far as filling a gap in the publishing schedule. Unfortunately, I can't picture the trade appearing on my shelf alongside Cornell's other DC work.

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Info Hash:c867c5cd7d4d27a7fadc52396fbe246895e03808
Creation Date:Sat, 18 Dec 2010 12:11:31 -0700
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Batman and Robin 18 (2011) (two covers) Minutemen-TwiztiD-T.cbz 21.5 MBs
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