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Hugo 1946 Nominee Novel - Edmond Hamilton (writing as Brett Sterling) - Red Sun of Danger
Hugo 1946 Nominee Novel - Lewis, C.S. - That Hideous Strength
Hugo 1946 Nominee Novel - Van Vogt, A.E. - The World of Null-A
Hugo 1946 Nominee Novelette - Brown, Fredric - Pi in the Sky
Hugo 1946 Nominee Novelette - del Rey, Lester - Into Thy Hands
Hugo 1946 Nominee Novelette - Padgett, Lewis - The Piper's Son
Hugo 1946 Nominee Novella - Asimov, Isaac - Dead Hand
Hugo 1946 Nominee Short Story - Brown, Fredric - The Waveries
Hugo 1946 Nominee Short Story - Jones, Raymond F. - Correspondence Course
Hugo 1946 Nominee Short Story - Leinster, Murray - The Ethical Equations
Hugo 1946 Nominee Short Story - Padgett, Lewis - What You Need
Hugo 1946 Winner Novel - Asimov, Isaac - The Mule (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1946 Winner Novel - Orwell, George - Animal Farm (v4.0) (html)
Hugo 1946 Winner Novelette - Leinster, Murray - First Contact (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1946 Winner Novella - Orwell, George - Animal Farm
Hugo 1946 Winner Short Story - Hal Clement - Uncommon Sense (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novel - Asimov, Isaac - Pebble in the Sky
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novel - Lewis, C.S. - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novel - Smith, Edward E. - First Lensman
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novel - Vance, Jack - The Dying Earth
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novelette - Anderson, Poul - The Helping Hand
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novelette - Blish, James - Okie
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novelette - Russell, Eric Frank - Dear Devil
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novelette - Smith, Cordwainer - Scanners Live in Vain
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novella - Asimov, Isaac - ...And Now You Don't
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novella - Piper, H Beam - The Last Enemy
Hugo 1951 Nominee Novella - Sturgeon, Theodore - The Dreaming Jewels
Hugo 1951 Nominee Short Story - Bretnor, Reginald - The Gnurrs Come from the Voodvork Out (ProofPack)
Hugo 1951 Nominee Short Story - Deutsch, A.J. Deutsch - A Subway Named Mobius
Hugo 1951 Nominee Short Story - Leiber, Fritz - Coming Attractions
Hugo 1951 Nominee Short Story - Matheson, Richard - Born of Man and Woman
Hugo 1951 Winner Novel - Heinlein, Robert A - Farmer In The Sky (v2.0) (html)
Hugo 1951 Winner Novelette - Kornbluth, C M - The Little Black Bag (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1951 Winner Novella - Heinlein, Robert A. - The Man Who Sold the Moon (v3.1) (html)
Hugo 1951 Winner Short Story - Damon Knight - To Serve Man (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1953 Winner Novel - Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novel - Asimov, Isaac - The Caves of Steel
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novel - Clarke, Arthur C. - Childhood's End
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novel - Clement, Hal - Mission of Gravity
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novel - Sturgeon, Theodore - More than Human
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novelette - Anderson, Poul - Sam Hall (v1.0) [html]
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novelette - Cogswell, Theodore - The Wall Around the World
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novelette - Dick, Philip K. - Second Variety
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novelette - P Anderson & G R. Dickson - The Adventure of the Misplaced Hound
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novella - Anderson, Poul - Three Hearts and Three Lions
Hugo 1954 Nominee Novella - Harness, Charles L. - The Rose
Hugo 1954 Nominee Short Story - Bester, Alfred - Star Light, Star Bright (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1954 Nominee Short Story - Bixby, Jerome - It's a Good Life (V1.0) (html)
Hugo 1954 Nominee Short Story - Sheckley, Robert - The Seventh Victim (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1954 Nominee Short Story - Sturgeon, Theodore - A Saucer of Loneliness (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1954 Winner Novel - Bradbury, Ray - Fahrenheit 451 (v2.1) [html]
Hugo 1954 Winner Novelette - Blish, James - A Case of Conscience
Hugo 1954 Winner Novella - Blish, James - Earthman, Come Home
Hugo 1954 Winner Short Story - Clarke, Arthur C - The Nine Billion Names of God (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1955 Winner Novelette - Miller, Walter M - The Darfsteller (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1955 Winner Short Story - Eric Frank Russell - Allamagoosa (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1956 Winner Novel - Heinlein, Robert A - Double Star (v1.2) (html)
Hugo 1956 Winner Novelette - Leinster, Murray - Exploration Team (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1956 Winner Short Story - Clarke, Arthur C. - The Star (v1.0) [html]
Hugo 1958 Winner Novel - Leiber, Fritz - The Big Time (1.0) (html)
Hugo 1958 Winner Novel - Leiber, Fritz - The Big Time
Hugo 1958 Winner Novelette - None - None
Hugo 1958 Winner Novella - None - None
Hugo 1958 Winner Short Story - Davidson, Avram - Or All the Seas With Oysters (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1958 Winner Short Story - Davidson, Avram - Or All the Seas With Oysters
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novel - Anderson, Poul - We Have Fed Our Seas (or The Enemy Stars) (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novel - Budrys, Algis - Who
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novel - Heinlein, Robert - Have Spacesuit -- Will Travel
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novel - Sheckley, Robert - Time Killer [vt Immortality, Inc]
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novelette - Henderson, Zenna - Captivity
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novelette - Kornbluth, CM - Reap the Dark Tide [or Shark Ship] (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novelette - Leiber , Fritz - A Deskful of Girls
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novelette - MacLean, Katherine & De Vet, Charles V - Second Game
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novelette - Phillips, Rog - Rat in the Skull (v5.0) (html)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novella - Budrys, Algis - Who (v5.1) (html)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Novella - Heinlein, Robert - Have Spacesuit -- Will Travel (v4.0) (html)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Bester, Alfred - The Men Who Murdered Mohammed (ProofPack)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Bone, J. F. - Triggerman (ProofPack)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Budrys, Algis - The Edge of the Sea (ProofPack)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Kornbluth, CM - The Advent on Channel Twelve (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Kornbluth, CM - Theory of Rocketry (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Leiber, Fritz - Rump-Titty-Titty-Tum-TAH-Tee
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Mullen, Stanley - Space to Swing a Cat
Hugo 1959 Nominee Short Story - Wellman, Manly Wade - Nine Yards of Other Cloth
Hugo 1959 Winner Novel - James Blish - A Case Of Conscience (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1959 Winner Novelette - Simak, Clifford D. - The Big Front Yard (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1959 Winner Short Story - Robert Bloch - That Hell-Bound Train (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1960 Nominee Novel - Dickson, Gordon R - Dorsai! [vt The Genetic General]
Hugo 1960 Nominee Novel - Leinster, Murray - The Pirates of Ersatz [vt The Pirates of Zan]
Hugo 1960 Nominee Novel - Phillips, Mark - That Sweet Little Old Lady [vt Brain Twister] (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1960 Nominee Novel - Vonnegut, Kurt - The Sirens of Titan
Hugo 1960 Nominee Short Fiction - Bester, Alfred - The Pi Man
Hugo 1960 Nominee Short Fiction - Farmer, Philip Jose - The Alley Man
Hugo 1960 Nominee Short Fiction - Sturgeon, Theodore - The Man Who Lost the Sea (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1960 Winner Novel - Heinlein, Robert A - Starship Troopers
Hugo 1960 Winner Short Story - Keyes, Daniel - Flowers For Algernon (1.0) (html)
Hugo 1961 Nominee Novel - Anderson, Poul - The High Crusade
Hugo 1961 Nominee Novel - Budrys, Algis - Rogue Moon
Hugo 1961 Nominee Novel - Harrison, Harry - Deathworld
Hugo 1961 Nominee Novel - Sturgeon, Theodore - Venus Plus X
Hugo 1961 Nominee Short Fiction - Farmer, Philip Jose - Open to Me, My Sister [vt My Sister's Brother]
Hugo 1961 Winner Novel - Miller, Walter M - A Canticle for Leibowitz
Hugo 1961 Winner Short Story - Anderson, Poul - The Longest Voyage
Hugo 1962 Nominee Novel - Galouye, Daniel F - Dark Universe
Hugo 1962 Nominee Novel - Harrison, Harry - Sense of Obligation [vt Planet of the Damned]
Hugo 1962 Nominee Novel - Simak, Clifford D - The Fisherman [vt Time Is the Simplest Thing]
Hugo 1962 Nominee Novel - White, James - Second Ending
Hugo 1962 Nominee Short Fiction - Biggle, Lloyd Jr. - Monument
Hugo 1962 Nominee Short Fiction - Schmitz, James - Lion Loose
Hugo 1962 Winner Novel - Heinlein, Robert - Stranger in a Strange Land
Hugo 1962 Winner Short Fiction - Aldiss, Brian - Hothouse (Series)
Hugo 1963 Nominee Novel - Bradley, Marion Zimmer - Sword of Aldones
Hugo 1963 Nominee Novel - Clarke, Arthur C - A Fall of Moondust
Hugo 1963 Nominee Novel - Piper, H Beam - Little Fuzzy
Hugo 1963 Nominee Novel - Vercors - Sylva
Hugo 1963 Nominee Short Fiction - Sturgeon, Theodore - When You Care, When You Love
Hugo 1963 Winner Novel - Dick, Philip K - The Man in the High Castle
Hugo 1963 Winner Short Story - Vance, Jack - The Dragon Masters (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1964 Nominee Novel - Heinlein, Robert - Glory Road
Hugo 1964 Nominee Novel - Norton, Andre - Witch World
Hugo 1964 Nominee Novel - Vonnegut, Kurt - Cat's Cradle
Hugo 1964 Nominee Short Fiction - Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Savage Pellucidar
Hugo 1964 Nominee Short Fiction - Raphael, Rick - Code Three
Hugo 1964 Nominee Short Fiction - Zelazny, Roger - A Rose for Ecclesiastes
Hugo 1964 Winner Novel - Simak, Clifford D - Way Station
Hugo 1964 Winner Short Story - Anderson, Poul - No Truce with Kings (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1965 Nominee Novel - Brunner, John - The Whole Man [vt The Telepathist] (Needed)
Hugo 1965 Nominee Novel - Pangborn, Edgar - Davy
Hugo 1965 Nominee Novel - Smith, Cordwainer - The Planet Buyer [vt The Boy Who Bought Old Earth]
Hugo 1965 Winner Short Story - Dickson, Gordon R - Soldier, Ask Not
Hugo 1966 Nominee Novel - Brunner, John - The Squares of the City
Hugo 1966 Nominee Novel - Heinlein, Robert - The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Hugo 1966 Nominee Novel - Smith, Edward E - Skylark DuQuesne
Hugo 1966 Nominee Short Fiction - Anderson, Poul - Marque and Reprisal
Hugo 1966 Nominee Short Fiction - Farmer, Philip Jose - Day of the Great Shout
Hugo 1966 Nominee Short Fiction - Zelazny, Roger - The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth
Hugo 1966 Winner Novel - Herbert, Frank - Dune
Hugo 1966 Winner Novel - Zelazny, Roger - ... And Call Me Conrad
Hugo 1966 Winner Short Story - Ellison, Harlan, - Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novel - Delany, Samuel R - Babel-17
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novel - Garrett, Randall - Too Many Magicians
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novel - Keyes, Daniel - Flowers for Algernon
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novel - Schmitz, James H. - The Witches of Karres
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novelette - Dickson, Gordon R - Call Him Lord
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novelette - Green, Robert M - Apology to Inky
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novelette - Harness, Charles L - An Ornament to His Profession
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novelette - Harness, Charles L - The Alchemist
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novelette - Swann, Burnett Thomas - The Manor of Roses
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novelette - Zelazny, Roger - For a Breath I Tarry
Hugo 1967 Nominee Novelette - Zelazny, Roger - This Moment of the Storm
Hugo 1967 Nominee Short Story - Aldiss, Brian - Man in His Time
Hugo 1967 Nominee Short Story - Ellison, Harlan - Delusion for a Dragon Slayer
Hugo 1967 Nominee Short Story - McKenna, Richard - The Secret Place
Hugo 1967 Nominee Short Story - Saberhagen, Fred - Mr. Jester
Hugo 1967 Nominee Short Story - Shaw, Bob - Light of Other Days
Hugo 1967 Nominee Short Story - Zelazny, Roger - Comes Now the Power
Hugo 1967 Winner Novel - Heinlein, Robert - The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Hugo 1967 Winner Novelette - Vance, Jack - The Last Castle
Hugo 1967 Winner Short Story - Niven, Larry - Neutron Star
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novel - Anderson, Chester - The Butterfly Kid
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novel - Anthony, Piers - Chthon
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novel - Delany, Samuel R - The Einstein Intersection
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - Thorns
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novelette - Dick, Philip K - Faith of Our Fathers
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novelette - Ellison, Harlan - Pretty Maggie Moneyeyes
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novelette - Norton, Andre - Wizard's World
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novella - Silverberg, Robert - Hawksbill Station
Hugo 1968 Nominee Novella - Zelazny, Roger - Damnation Alley
Hugo 1968 Nominee Short Story - Delany, Samuel R - Aye, and Gomorrah
Hugo 1968 Nominee Short Story - Niven, Larry - The Jigsaw Man
Hugo 1968 Winner Novel - Zelazny, Roger - Lord of Light
Hugo 1968 Winner Novelette - Leiber, Fritz - Gonna Roll Them Bones
Hugo 1968 Winner Novella - Farmer, Philip Jos茅 - Riders of the Purple Wage
Hugo 1968 Winner Novella - McCaffrey, Anne - Weyr Search
Hugo 1968 Winner Short Story - Ellison, Harlan, - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novel - Delany, Samuel R - Nova
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novel - Lafferty, RA - Past Master
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novel - Panshin, Alexei - Rite of Passage
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novel - Simak, Clifford D - The Goblin Reservation
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novelette - Aldiss, Brian - Total Environment
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novelette - Anthony, Piers - Getting Through University
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novelette - Wilson, Richard - Mother to the World
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novella - Delany, Samuel R - Lines of Power
Hugo 1969 Nominee Novella - McCaffrey, Anne - Dragonrider
Hugo 1969 Nominee Short Story - Carr, Terry - The Dance of the Changer and the Three
Hugo 1969 Nominee Short Story - Knight, Damon - Masks
Hugo 1969 Nominee Short Story - Niven, Larry - All the Myriad Ways
Hugo 1969 Winner Novel - Brunner, John - Stand on Zanzibar
Hugo 1969 Winner Novelette - Anderson, Poul - The Sharing of Flesh
Hugo 1969 Winner Novella - Silverberg, Robert - Nightwings
Hugo 1969 Winner Short Story - Ellison, Harlan - The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World
Hugo 1970 Nominee Novel - Anthony, Piers - Macroscope
Hugo 1970 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - Up the Line
Hugo 1970 Nominee Novel - Vonnegut, Kurt - Slaughterhouse-Five or, The Children's Crusade
Hugo 1970 Nominee Novella - Blish, James - We All Die Naked
Hugo 1970 Nominee Novella - Ellison, Harlan - A Boy and His Dog (ProofPack)
Hugo 1970 Nominee Novella - McCaffrey, Anne - Dramatic Mission
Hugo 1970 Nominee Novella - Silverberg, Robert - To Jorslem
Hugo 1970 Nominee Short Story - Le Guin, Ursula K. - Winter's King (ProofPack)
Hugo 1970 Nominee Short Story - Niven, Larry - Not Long Before the End
Hugo 1970 Nominee Short Story - Silverberg, Robert - Passengers
Hugo 1970 Winner Novel - Le Guin, Ursula K - The Left Hand of Darkness
Hugo 1970 Winner Novella - Leiber, Fritz - Ship of Shadows
Hugo 1970 Winner Short Story - Delany, Samuel R - Time Considered as a Helix of Semi-Precious Stones
Hugo 1971 Nominee Novel - Clement, Hal - Star Light
Hugo 1971 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - Tower of Glass
Hugo 1971 Nominee Novel - Tucker, Wilson - The Year of the Quiet Sun
Hugo 1971 Nominee Novella - Koontz, Dean R. - Beastchild
Hugo 1971 Nominee Novella - Silverberg, Robert - The World Outside
Hugo 1971 Nominee Novella - Simak, Clifford D - The Thing in the Stone
Hugo 1971 Nominee Short Story - Bova, Ben & Ellison, Harlan - Brillo
Hugo 1971 Nominee Short Story - Dickson, Gordon R - Jean Dupres
Hugo 1971 Nominee Short Story - Lafferty, R A - Continued on Next Rock
Hugo 1971 Nominee Short Story - Laumer, Keith - In the Queue
Hugo 1971 Winner Novel - Niven, Larry - Ringworld
Hugo 1971 Winner Novella - Leiber, Fritz - Ill Met in Lankhmar
Hugo 1971 Winner Short Story - Sturgeon, Theodore - Slow Sculpture (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novel - Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Lathe of Heaven
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novel - McCaffrey, Anne - Dragonquest
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - The World Inside
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novel - Zelazny, Roger - Jack of Shadows
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novella - Brunner, John - Dread Empire
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novella - Clarke, Arthur C - A Meeting with Medusa
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novella - Dozois, Gardner - A Special Kind of Morning
Hugo 1972 Nominee Novella - Niven, Larry - The Fourth Profession
Hugo 1972 Nominee Short Story - Crook, Compton - The Bear with the Knot on His Tail
Hugo 1972 Nominee Short Story - Effinger, George Alec - All the Last Wars at Once
Hugo 1972 Nominee Short Story - Lafferty, R A - Sky
Hugo 1972 Nominee Short Story - Le Guin, Ursula K. - Vaster Than Empires and More Slow
Hugo 1972 Nominee Short Story - Simak, Clifford D - The Autumn Land
Hugo 1972 Winner Novel - Farmer, Philip Jos茅 - To Your Scattered Bodies Go
Hugo 1972 Winner Novella - Anderson, Poul - The Queen of Air and Darkness
Hugo 1972 Winner Short Story - Niven, Larry - Inconstant Moon (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novel - Anderson, Poul - There Will Be Time
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novel - Gerrold, David - When Harlie Was One
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - Dying Inside
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - The Book of Skulls
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novel - Simak, Clifford D - A Choice of Gods
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novelette - Dozois, Gardner - A Kingdom by the Sea
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novelette - Ellison, Harlan - Basilisk
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novelette - Rotsler, William - Patron of the Arts
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novella - Haldeman, Joe - Hero
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novella - Pohl, Frederik - The Gold at the Starbow's End
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novella - Pournelle, Jerry - The Mercenary
Hugo 1973 Nominee Novella - Wolfe, Gene - The Fifth Head of Cerberus
Hugo 1973 Nominee Short Story - Russ, Joanna - When It Changed
Hugo 1973 Nominee Short Story - Silverberg, Robert - When We Went to See the End of the World (ProofPack)
Hugo 1973 Winner Novel - Asimov, Isaac - The Gods Themselves
Hugo 1973 Winner Novelette - Anderson, Poul - Goat Song
Hugo 1973 Winner Novella - Le Guin, Ursula K - The Word for World Is Forest
Hugo 1973 Winner Short Story - Lafferty, R A - Eurema's Dam
Hugo 1973 Winner Short Story - Pohl, Frederik & Kornbluth, C. M. - The Meeting
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novel - Anderson, Poul - The People of the Wind
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novel - Gerrold, David - The Man Who Folded Himself
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novel - Heinlein, Robert - Time Enough for Love
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novel - Niven, Larry - Protector
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novelette - Effinger, George Alec - The City on the Sand
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novelette - McIntyre, Vonda - Of Mist, Grass and Sand
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novelette - Pournelle, Jerry - He Fell into a Dark Hole
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novelette - Tiptree, James Jr - Love is the plan the plan is death
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novella - Bishop, Michael - The White Otters of Childhood
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novella - Dozois, Gardner - Chains of the Sea
Hugo 1974 Nominee Novella - Wolfe, Gene - The Death of Doctor Island
Hugo 1974 Nominee Short Story - Martin, George R.R. - With Morning Comes Mistfall
Hugo 1974 Nominee Short Story - McIntyre, Vonda N - Wings
Hugo 1974 Nominee Short Story - Simak, Clifford D - Construction Shack (ProofPack)
Hugo 1974 Winner Novel - Clarke, Arthur C - Rendezvous with Rama
Hugo 1974 Winner Novelette - Ellison, Harlan, - The Deathbird
Hugo 1974 Winner Novella - Tiptree, James Jr - The Girl Who Was Plugged In
Hugo 1974 Winner Short Story - Le Guin, Ursula K - The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas
Hugo 1975 Nominee Novel - Anderson, Poul - Fire Time
Hugo 1975 Nominee Novel - Dick, Philip K - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
Hugo 1975 Nominee Novel - Niven, Larry & Pournelle, Jerry - The Mote in God's Eye
Hugo 1975 Nominee Novel - Priest, Christopher - Inverted World [vt The Inverted World]
Hugo 1975 Nominee Novelette - Pournelle, Jerry - Extreme Prejudice
Hugo 1975 Nominee Novelette - Wilhelm, Kate - A Brother to Dragons, a Companion of Owls
Hugo 1975 Nominee Novella - Silverberg, Robert - Born with the Dead
Hugo 1975 Nominee Short Story - Bester, Alfred - The Four-Hour Fugue
Hugo 1975 Nominee Short Story - Bishop, Michael - Cathadonian Odyssey (ProofPack)
Hugo 1975 Nominee Short Story - Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Day Before the Revolution
Hugo 1975 Nominee Short Story - Silverberg, Robert - Schwartz Between the Galaxies
Hugo 1975 Winner Novel - Le Guin, Ursula K - The Dispossessed
Hugo 1975 Winner Novella - Martin, George R. R. - A Song for Lya
Hugo 1975 Winner Short Story - Niven, Larry - The Hole Man (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novel - Bester, Alfred - The Computer Connection [vt The Indian Giver]
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novel - Niven, Larry - Inferno
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - The Stochastic Man
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novel - Zelazny, Roger - Doorways in the Sand
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novelette - Le Guin, Ursula K. - The New Atlantis
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novelette - Reamy, Tom - San Diego Lightfoot Sue
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novella - Cowper, Richard - The Custodians
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novella - Martin, George R.R. & Tuttle, Lisa - The Storms of Windhaven
Hugo 1976 Nominee Novella - Niven, Larry - ARM
Hugo 1976 Nominee Short Story - Benford, Gregory - Doing Lennon (v2.0) (html)
Hugo 1976 Nominee Short Story - Bishop, Michael - Rogue Tomato (ProofPack)
Hugo 1976 Nominee Short Story - Ellison, Harlan - Croatoan
Hugo 1976 Nominee Short Story - Lupoff, Richard A - Sail the Tide of Mourning
Hugo 1976 Nominee Short Story - Plauger, P J - Child of All Ages
Hugo 1976 Winner Novel - Haldeman, Joe - The Forever War
Hugo 1976 Winner Novella - Zelazny, Roger - Home Is the Hangman
Hugo 1976 Winner Short Story - Leiber, Fritz - Catch That Zeppelin!
Hugo 1977 Nominee Novel - Haldeman, Joe - Mindbridge
Hugo 1977 Nominee Novel - Herbert, Frank - Children of Dune
Hugo 1977 Nominee Novel - Pohl, Frederik - Man Plus
Hugo 1977 Nominee Novelette - Cowper, Richard - Piper at the Gates of Dawn
Hugo 1977 Nominee Novelette - Le Guin, Ursula K. - The Diary of the Rose
Hugo 1977 Nominee Novelette - Varley, John - Gotta Sing, Gotta Dance (ProofPack)
Hugo 1977 Nominee Novelette - Varley, John - The Phantom of Kansas (ProofPack)
Hugo 1977 Nominee Short Story - Grant, Charles L - A Crowd of Shadows
Hugo 1977 Winner Novel - Wilhelm, Kate - Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang
Hugo 1977 Winner Novelette - Asimov, Isaac - The Bicentennial Man
Hugo 1977 Winner Novelette - Asimov, Isaac - The Bicentennial Man
Hugo 1977 Winner Novella - Robinson, Spider - By Any Other Name
Hugo 1977 Winner Novella - Tiptree, James Jr - Houston, Houston, Do You Read
Hugo 1977 Winner Short Story - Haldeman, Joe - Tricentennial
Hugo 1978 Nominee Novel - Bradley, Marion Zimmer - The Forbidden Tower
Hugo 1978 Nominee Novel - Dickson, Gordon R - Time Storm
Hugo 1978 Nominee Novel - Martin, George R.R. - Dying of the Light
Hugo 1978 Nominee Novel - Pournelle, Jerry & Niven, Larry - Lucifer's Hammer
Hugo 1978 Nominee Novelette - Tiptree, James Jr - The Screwfly Solution
Hugo 1978 Nominee Novella - McIntyre, Vonda N - Aztecs
Hugo 1978 Nominee Novella - Varley, John - In the Hall of the Martian Kings (ProofPack)
Hugo 1978 Nominee Short Story - Tiptree, James Jr - Time-Sharing Angel
Hugo 1978 Winner Novel - Pohl, Frederik - Gateway
Hugo 1978 Winner Novelette - Vinge, Joan D - Eyes of Amber
Hugo 1978 Winner Novella - Robinson, Spider & Jeanne - Stardance (ProofPack)
Hugo 1978 Winner Short Story - Ellison, Harlan, - Jeffty Is Five (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1979 Nominee Novel - Cherryh, C J - The Faded Sun, Kesrith
Hugo 1979 Nominee Novel - McCaffrey, Anne - The White Dragon
Hugo 1979 Nominee Novel - Tiptree, James Jr - Up the Walls of the World
Hugo 1979 Nominee Novelette - Card, Orson Scott - Mikal's Songbird
Hugo 1979 Nominee Novelette - Varley, John - The Barbie Murders
Hugo 1979 Nominee Novella - Wolfe, Gene - Seven American Nights
Hugo 1979 Nominee Short Story - Bryant, Edward - Stone
Hugo 1979 Nominee Short Story - Ellison, Harlan - Count the Clock That Tells the Time
Hugo 1979 Nominee Short Story - Vinge, Joan D - View from a Height
Hugo 1979 Nominee Short Story - Watson, Ian - The Very Slow Time Machine
Hugo 1979 Novel Nominee - Cherryh, C J - The Faded Sun, Kesrith
Hugo 1979 Winner Novel - McIntyre, Vonda - Dreamsnake
Hugo 1979 Winner Novelette - Anderson, Poul - Hunter's Moon
Hugo 1979 Winner Novella - Varley, John - The Persistence of Vision
Hugo 1979 Winner Short Story - Cherryh, C. J., - Cassandra (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1980 Nominee Novel - Disch, Thomas M - On Wings of Song
Hugo 1980 Nominee Novelette - Larry Niven & Steve Barnes - The Locusts
Hugo 1980 Nominee Novelette - McIntyre, Vonda N. - Fireflood
Hugo 1980 Nominee Novelette - Varley, John - Options
Hugo 1980 Nominee Novella - Card, Orson Scott - Songhouse
Hugo 1980 Nominee Novella - Schenck, Hilbert - The Battle of the Abaco Reefs
Hugo 1980 Nominee Short Story - Bryant, Edward - giANTS (ProofPack)
Hugo 1980 Nominee Short Story - Card, Orson Scott - Unaccompanied Sonata
Hugo 1980 Nominee Short Story - Reynolds, Ted - Can These Bones Live
Hugo 1980 Nominee Short Story - Willis, Connie - Daisy, in the Sun
Hugo 1980 Winner Novel - Clarke, Arthur C - The Fountains of Paradise
Hugo 1980 Winner Novelette - Martin, George R. R. - Sandkings
Hugo 1980 Winner Novella - Longyear, Barry B. - Enemy Mine
Hugo 1980 Winner Short Story - Martin, George R. R. - The Way of Cross and Dragon
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novel - Niven, Larry - The Ringworld Engineers
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novel - Pohl, Frederik - Beyond the Blue Event Horizon
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novel - Silverberg, Robert - Lord Valentine's Castle
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novel - Varley, John - Wizard
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novelette - Longyear, Barry B. - Savage Planet
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novelette - Roberts, Keith - The Lordly Ones
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novelette - Shea, Michael - The Autopsy
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novelette - Varley, John - Beatnik Bayou
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novelette - Waldrop, Howard - The Ugly Chickens
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novella - Disch, Thomas M. - The Brave Little Toaster (ProofPack)
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novella - Ellison, Harlan - All the Lies that Are My Life
Hugo 1981 Nominee Novella - Lisa Tuttle & George R. R. Martin - One-Wing
Hugo 1981 Nominee Short Story - Petry, Susan C - Spidersong (ProofPack)
Hugo 1981 Nominee Short Story - Silverberg, Robert - Our Lady of the Sauropods (ProofPack)
Hugo 1981 Winner Novel - Vinge, Joan D - The Snow Queen
Hugo 1981 Winner Novelette - Dickson, Gordon R - The Cloak and the Staff
Hugo 1981 Winner Novella - Dickson, Gordon R - Lost Dorsai
Hugo 1981 Winner Short Story - Simak, Clifford D - Grotto of the Dancing Deer
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novel - Crowley, John - Little, Big
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novel - May , Julian - The Many-Colored Land
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novel - Simak, Clifford D. - Project Pope
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novel - Wolfe, Gene - The Claw of the Conciliator
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novelette - Bishop , Michael - The Quickening
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novelette - Bryant, Edward - The Thermals of August (ProofPack)
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novelette - Martin , George R. R. - Guardians
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novella - Varley, John - Blue Champagne
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novella - Vinge, Vernor - True Names
Hugo 1982 Nominee Novella - Wilhelm, Kate - With Thimbles, With Forks and Hope
Hugo 1982 Nominee Short Story - Florance-Guthridge, George - The Quiet
Hugo 1982 Nominee Short Story - Somtow, SP - Absent Thee from Felicity Awhile...
Hugo 1982 Winner Novel - Cherryh, C. J. - Downbelow Station
Hugo 1982 Winner Novelette - Zelazny, Roger - Unicorn Variation
Hugo 1982 Winner Novella - Anderson, Poul - The Saturn Game
Hugo 1982 Winner Short Story - Varley, John, - The Pusher (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novel - Cherryh, C. J. - The Pride of Chanur
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novel - Clarke, Arthur C. - 2010, Odyssey Two
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novel - Heinlein, Robert A. - Friday
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novel - Kingsbury, Donald - Courtship Rite
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novel - Varley, John - Millennium
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novel - Wolfe, Gene - The Sword of the Lictor
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novelette - Sterling, Bruce - Swarm
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novelette - Zahn, Timothy - Pawn's Gambit
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novella - Brin, David - The Postman
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novella - Martin, George R. R. - Unsound Variations
Hugo 1983 Nominee Novella - Robinson, Kim Stanley - To Leave a Mark
Hugo 1983 Nominee Short Story - Le Guin, Ursula K. - Sur
Hugo 1983 Nominee Short Story - Sterling, Bruce - Spider Rose
Hugo 1983 Nominee Short Story - Tiptree, James Jr - The Boy Who Waterskied to Forever (ProofPack)
Hugo 1983 Nominee Short Story - Waldrop, Howard - Ike at the Mike
Hugo 1983 Winner Novel - Asimov, Isaac - Foundation's Edge
Hugo 1983 Winner Novelette - Willis, Connie - Fire Watch
Hugo 1983 Winner Novella - Russ, Joanna - Souls (ProofPack)
Hugo 1983 Winner Short Story - Robinson, Spider - Melancholy Elephants (v1.1) (html)
Hugo 1984 Nominee Novel - Asimov, Isaac - The Robots of Dawn
Hugo 1984 Nominee Novel - MacAvoy, R. A. - Tea with the Black Dragon
Hugo 1984 Nominee Novel - McCaffrey, Anne - Moreta, Dragonlady of Pern
Hugo 1984 Nominee Novelette - Robinson, Kim Stanley - Black Air
Hugo 1984 Nominee Novelette - Willis, Connie - The Sidon in the Mirror
Hugo 1984 Nominee Novella - Bear, Greg - Hardfought
Hugo 1984 Nominee Novella - Palmer, David R. - Seeking
Hugo 1984 Nominee Short Story - Dozois, Gardner - The Peacemaker
Hugo 1984 Nominee Short Story - Pohl, Frederik - Servant of the People
Hugo 1984 Nominee Short Story - Wu, William F. - Wong's Lost and Found Emporium
Hugo 1984 Winner Novel - Brin, David, - Startide Rising
Hugo 1984 Winner Novelette - Bear, Greg - Blood Music
Hugo 1984 Winner Novella - Zahn, Timothy - Cascade Point
Hugo 1984 Winner Short Story - Butler, Octavia - Speech Sounds (ProofPack)
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novel - Heinlein, Robert - Job, A Comedy of Justice
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novel - Niven, Larry - The Integral Trees
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novel - Palmer, David R - Emergence
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novel - Vinge, Vernor - The Peace War
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novelette - Eric Vinicoff and Marcia Martin - The Weigher
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novelette - Robinson, Kim Stanley - The Lucky Strike
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novelette - Shepard, Lucius - The Man Who Painted the Dragon Griaule
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novelette - Willis, Connie - Blued Moon
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novelette - Willis, Connie - Blued Moon
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novella - Harness, Charles L - Summer Solstice
Hugo 1985 Nominee Novella - Landis, Geoffrey A - Elemental
Hugo 1985 Nominee Short Story - Effinger, George Alec - The Aliens Who Knew, I Mean, Everything
Hugo 1985 Nominee Short Story - Killough, Lee - Symphony for a Lost Traveler
Hugo 1985 Nominee Short Story - Shepard, Lucuis - Salvador (ProofPack)
Hugo 1985 Novel Nominee - Heinlein, Robert - Job, A Comedy of Justice
Hugo 1985 Winner Novel - Gibson, William, - Neuromancer
Hugo 1985 Winner Novelette - Butler, Octavia, - Bloodchild
Hugo 1985 Winner Novella - Varley, John - Press Enter
Hugo 1985 Winner Short Story - Brin, David - The Crystal Spheres (ProofPack)
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novel - Bear, Greg - Blood Music
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novel - Brin, David - The Postman
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novel - Cherryh, C. J. - Cuckoo's Egg
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novel - Pournelle, Jerry & Niven, Larry - Footfall
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novelette - Card, Orson Scott - The Fringe
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novelette - Gibson, William & Swanwick, Michael - Dogfight
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novelette - Martin, George R.R. - Portraits of His Children
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novella - Cherryh, C J - The Scapegoat
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novella - Robinson, Kim Stanley - Green Mars
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novella - Silverberg, Robert - Sailing to Byzantium
Hugo 1986 Nominee Novella - Tiptree, James Jr - The Only Neat Thing to Do (ProofPack)
Hugo 1986 Nominee Short Story - Crowley, John - Snow
Hugo 1986 Nominee Short Story - Waldrop, Howard - Flying Saucer Rock & Roll
Hugo 1986 Winner Novel - Card, Orson Scott - Ender's Game
Hugo 1986 Winner Novelette - Ellison, Harlan, - Paladin of the Lost Hour
Hugo 1986 Winner Novella - Zelazny, Roger - Twenty-four Views of Mount Fuji, by Hokusai
Hugo 1986 Winner Short Story - Pohl, Frederik - Fermi and Frost (ProofPack)
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novel - Gibson, William - Count Zero
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novel - Hubbard, L Ron - Black Genesis
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novel - Shaw, Bob - The Ragged Astronauts
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novel - Vinge, Vernor - Marooned in Realtime
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novelette - Brin, David - Thor Meets Captain America
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novelette - Card, Orson Scott - Hatrack River
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novelette - Gibson, William - The Winter Market
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novelette - Vinge, Vernor - The Barbarian Princess
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novella - Robinson, Kim Stanley - Escape from Kathmandu
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novella - Shepard, Lucius - R & R
Hugo 1987 Nominee Novella - Willis, Connie - Spice Pogrom
Hugo 1987 Nominee Short Story - Asimov, Isaac - Robot Dreams
Hugo 1987 Nominee Short Story - Kelly, James Patrick - Rat
Hugo 1987 Nominee Short Story - Springer, Nancy - The Boy Who Plaited Manes
Hugo 1987 Winner Novel - Card, Orson Scott - Speaker for the Dead
Hugo 1987 Winner Novelette - Zelazny, Roger - Permafrost
Hugo 1987 Winner Novella - Silverberg, Robert - Gilgamesh in the Outback
Hugo 1987 Winner Short Story - Bear, Greg - Tangents (v1.0) (html)
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novel - Bear, Greg - The Forge of God
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novel - Card, Orson Scott - Seventh Son
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novel - Effinger, George Alec - When Gravity Fails
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novel - Wolfe, Gene - The Urth of the New Sun
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novelette - McAllister, Bruce - Dream Baby
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novelette - Murphy, Pat - Rachel in Love
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novelette - Sterling, Bruce - Flowers of Edo
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novelette - Williams, Walter Jon - Dinosaurs
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novella - Robinson, Kim Stanley - Mother Goddess of the World
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novella - Robinson, Kim Stanley - The Blind Geometer (ProofPack)
Hugo 1988 Nominee Novella - Silverberg, Robert - The Secret Sharer
Hugo 1988 Nominee Short Story - Cadigan, Pat - Angel
Hugo 1988 Nominee Short Story - Fowler, Karen Joy - The Faithful Companion at Forty (ProofPack)
Hugo 1988 Nominee Short Story - Goldstein, Lisa - Cassandra's Photographs
Hugo 1988 Nominee Short Story - Waldrop, Howard - Night of the Cooters (ProofPack)
Hugo 1988 Nominee Short Story - Wilhelm, Kate - Forever Yours, Anna
Hugo 1988 Winner Novel - Brin, David - The Uplift War
Hugo 1988 Winner Novelette - Le Guin, Ursula K - Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight
Hugo 1988 Winner Novella - Card, Orson Scott - Eye for Eye
Hugo 1988 Winner Short Story - Watt-Evans, Lawrence, - Why I Left Harry's All-Night Hamburgers
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - Falling Free
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novel - Card, Orson Scott - Red Prophet
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novel - Gibson, William - Mona Lisa Overdrive
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novel - Sterling, Bruce - Islands in the Net
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novelette - Ellison, Harlan - The Function of Dream Sleep
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novelette - Gould, Steven - Peaches for Mad Molly
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novelette - Waldrop, Howard - Do Ya, Do Ya, Wanna Dance
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novella - Denton, Bradley - The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novella - Shepard, Lucius - The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novella - Spinrad, Norman - Journals of the Plague Years
Hugo 1989 Nominee Novella - Williams, Walter Jon - Surfacing (ProofPack)
Hugo 1989 Nominee Short Story - Brin, David - The Giving Plague
Hugo 1989 Nominee Short Story - Gunn, Eileen - Stable Strategies for Middle Management (ProofPack)
Hugo 1989 Nominee Short Story - Landis, Geoffrey A - Ripples in the Dirac Sea (ProofPack)
Hugo 1989 Nominee Short Story - McDevitt, Jack - The Fort Moxie Branch (ProofPack)
Hugo 1989 Winner Novel - Cherryh, C. J., - Cyteen
Hugo 1989 Winner Novelette - Effinger, George Alec, - Schr枚dinger's Kitten
Hugo 1989 Winner Novella - Willis, Connie - The Last of the Winnebagos
Hugo 1989 Winner Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Kirinyaga
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novel - Anderson, Poul - The Boat of a Million Years
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novel - Card, Orson Scott - Prentice Alvin
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novel - Effinger, George Alec - A Fire in the Sun
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novel - Tepper, Sheri S - Grass
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novelette - Card, Orson Scott - Dogwalker
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novelette - Effinger, George Alec - Everything But Honor (ProofPack)
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novelette - Kress, Nancy - The Price of Oranges
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novelette - Willis, Connie - At the Rialto
Hugo 1990 Nominee Novella - Willis, Connie - Time Out
Hugo 1990 Nominee Short Story - Card, Orson Scott - Lost Boys
Hugo 1990 Nominee Short Story - Gunn, Eileen - Computer Friendly (ProofPack)
Hugo 1990 Nominee Short Story - Niven, Larry - The Return of William Proxmire
Hugo 1990 Nominee Short Story - Sterling, Bruce - Dori Bangs
Hugo 1990 Nominee Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - The Edge of the World
Hugo 1990 Winner Novel - Simmons, Dan - Hyperion
Hugo 1990 Winner Novelette - Silverberg, Robert - Enter a Soldier. Later Enter Another
Hugo 1990 Winner Novella - Bujold, Lois McMaster - The Mountains of Mourning
Hugo 1990 Winner Short Story - Charnas, Suzy McKee - Boobs
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novel - Bear, Greg - Queen of Angels
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novel - Brin, David - Earth
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novel - Simmons, Dan - The Fall of Hyperion
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novelette - ab Hugh, Dafydd - The Coon Rolled Down and Ruptured His Larinks, A Squeezed Novel by Mr Skunk
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novelette - Chiang, Ted - Tower of Babylon (ProofPack)
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novelette - Sheffield, Charles - A Braver Thing
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novelette - Soukup, Martha - Over the Long Haul (ProofPack)
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novella - Cadigan, Pat - Fool to Believe
Hugo 1991 Nominee Novella - Resnick, Mike - Bully!
Hugo 1991 Nominee Short Story - Reed, Robert - The Utility Man
Hugo 1991 Nominee Short Story - Sheffield, Charles - Godspeed
Hugo 1991 Nominee Short Story - Thompson, W R - VRM-547 (ProofPack)
Hugo 1991 Nominee Short Story - Willis, Connie - Cibola (ProofPack)
Hugo 1991 Winner Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - The Vor Game
Hugo 1991 Winner Novelette - Resnick, Mike - The Manamouki
Hugo 1991 Winner Novella - Haldeman, Joe - The Hemingway Hoax
Hugo 1991 Winner Short Story - Bisson, Terry - Bears Discover Fire
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novel - Bull, Emma - Bone Dance
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novel - Card, Orson Scott - Xenocide
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novel - McCaffrey, Anne - All the Weyrs of Pern
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novel - Swanwick, Michael - Stations of the Tide
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novel - Vinge, Joan D - The Summer Queen
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novelette - Cadigan, Pat - Dispatches from the Revolution
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novelette - Chiang, Ted - Understand
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novelette - Waldrop, Howard - Fin de Cycl茅
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novelette - Willis, Connie - Miracle
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novella - Swanwick, Michael - Griffin's Egg
Hugo 1992 Nominee Novella - Willis, Connie - Jack
Hugo 1992 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - One Perfect Morning, with Jackals (ProofPack)
Hugo 1992 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Winter Solstice
Hugo 1992 Nominee Short Story - Willis, Connie - In the Late Cretaceous
Hugo 1992 Winner Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - Barrayar
Hugo 1992 Winner Novelette - Asimov, Isaac - Gold
Hugo 1992 Winner Novella - Kress, Nancy - Beggars in Spain
Hugo 1992 Winner Short Story - Landis, Geoffrey - A Walk in the Sun
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novel - McHugh, Maureen F - China Mountain Zhang
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novel - Robinson, Kim Stanley - Red Mars
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novel - Varley, John - Steel Beach
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novelette - Cadigan, Pat - True Faces
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novelette - Malzberg, Barry N - In the Stone House
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novelette - Sargent, Pamela - Danny Goes to Mars
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novella - Carroll, Jonathan - Uh-Oh City
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novella - Denton, Bradley - The Territory
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novella - McHugh, Maureen F - Protection
Hugo 1993 Nominee Novella - Pohl, Frederik - Stopping at Slowyear
Hugo 1993 Nominee Short Story - DiChario, Nicholas A. - The Winterberry
Hugo 1993 Nominee Short Story - Kress, Nancy - The Mountain to Mohammed
Hugo 1993 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - The Lotus and the Spear
Hugo 1993 Nominee Short Story - Soukup, Martha - The Arbitrary Placement of Walls
Hugo 1993 Winner Novel - Vinge, Vernor - A Fire Upon the Deep
Hugo 1993 Winner Novel - Willis, Connie, - Doomsday Book
Hugo 1993 Winner Novelette - Kagan, Janet - The Nutcracker Coup
Hugo 1993 Winner Novella - Shepard, Lucius - Barnacle Bill the Spacer
Hugo 1993 Winner Short Story - Willis, Connie, - Even the Queen
Hugo 1994 Nominee Novel - Bear, Greg - Moving Mars
Hugo 1994 Nominee Novel - Brin, David - Glory Season
Hugo 1994 Nominee Novel - Gibson, William - Virtual Light
Hugo 1994 Nominee Novel - Kress, Nancy - Beggars in Spain
Hugo 1994 Nominee Novelette - Kress, Nancy - Dancing on Air
Hugo 1994 Nominee Novella - Cady, Jack - The Night We Buried Road Dog (ProofPack)
Hugo 1994 Nominee Short Story - Bisson, Terry - England Underway
Hugo 1994 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Mwalimu in the Squared Circle
Hugo 1994 Winner Novel - Robinson, Kim Stanley - Green Mars
Hugo 1994 Winner Novelette - Sheffield, Charles - Georgia on My Mind
Hugo 1994 Winner Novella - Turtledove, Harry - Down in the Bottomlands
Hugo 1994 Winner Short Story - Willis, Connie - Death on the Nile (ProofPack)
Hugo 1995 Nominee Novel - Barnes, John - Mother of Storms
Hugo 1995 Nominee Novel - Bishop, Michael - Brittle Innings
Hugo 1995 Nominee Novel - Kress, Nancy - Beggars and Choosers
Hugo 1995 Nominee Novelette - Egan, Greg - Cocoon
Hugo 1995 Nominee Novelette - Resnick, Mike - A Little Knowledge
Hugo 1995 Nominee Short Story - Bisson, Terry - Dead Man's Curve
Hugo 1995 Nominee Short Story - Malzberg, Barry N - Understanding Entropy
Hugo 1995 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Barnaby in Exile
Hugo 1995 Winner Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - Mirror Dance
Hugo 1995 Winner Novelette - Gerrold, David, - The Martian Child
Hugo 1995 Winner Novella - Resnick, Mike - Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge
Hugo 1995 Winner Short Story - Haldeman, Joe - None So Blind
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novel - Baxter, Stephen - The Time Ships
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novel - Brin, David - Brightness Reef
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novel - Sawyer, Robert - The Terminal Experiment [vt Hobson's Choice]
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novel - Willis, Connie - Remake
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novelette - Egan, Greg - Luminous
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novelette - Egan, Greg - TAP
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novelette - Le Guin, Ursula K - Ether OR (ProofPack)
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novelette - Resnick, Mike - When the Old Gods Die
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novelette - Turtledove, Harry - Must and Shall
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novella - Kress, Nancy - Fault Lines
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novella - Le Guin, Ursula K - A Woman's Liberation
Hugo 1996 Nominee Novella - Resnick, Mike & Shwartz, Susan - Bibi
Hugo 1996 Nominee Short Story - Burstein, Michael A - TeleAbsence
Hugo 1996 Nominee Short Story - Daniel, Tony - Life on the Moon
Hugo 1996 Nominee Short Story - Friesner, Esther M. - A Birthday
Hugo 1996 Winner Novel - Stephenson, Neal - The Diamond Age
Hugo 1996 Winner Novelette - Kelly, James Patrick, - Think Like a Dinosaur
Hugo 1996 Winner Novella - Steele, Allen - The Death of Captain Future
Hugo 1996 Winner Short Story - McHugh, Maureen F - The Lincoln Train
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - Memory
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novel - Moon, Elizabeth - Remnant Population
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novel - Sawyer, Robert - Starplex
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novelette - Charnas, Suzy - Beauty and the Op茅ra or The Phantom Beast
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novelette - Charnas, Suzy McKee - Beauty and the Opera or The Phantom Beast
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novelette - Le Guin, Ursula K - Mountain Ways (ProofPack)
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novelette - Resnick, Mike - The Land of Nod
Hugo 1997 Nominee Novella - Oltion, Jerry - Abandon in Place
Hugo 1997 Nominee Short Story - Crowley, John - Gone
Hugo 1997 Nominee Short Story - Reed, Robert - Decency (ProofPack)
Hugo 1997 Nominee Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - The Dead (ProofPack)
Hugo 1997 Nominee Short Story - White, James - Un-Birthday Boy
Hugo 1997 Winner Novel - Robinson, Kim Stanley - Blue Mars
Hugo 1997 Winner Novelette - Sterling, Bruce - Bicycle Repairman
Hugo 1997 Winner Novella - Martin, George R. R. - Blood of the Dragon
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novel - Sawyer, Robert J - Frameshift
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novel - Simmons, Dan - The Rise of Endymion
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novelette - Baxter, Stephen - Moon Six
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novelette - Burstein, Michael A. - Broken Symmetry
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novelette - Gardner, James Alan - Three Hearings on the Existence of Snakes in the Human Bloodstream
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novelette - Sanders, William - The Undiscovered
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novella - Castro, Adam-Troy - The Funeral March of the Marionettes
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novella - Landis, Geoffrey - Ecopoiesis
Hugo 1998 Nominee Novella - Levinson, Paul - Loose Ends
Hugo 1998 Nominee Short Story - Duncan, Andy - Beluthahatchie
Hugo 1998 Nominee Short Story - Fowler, Karen Joy - Standing Room Only
Hugo 1998 Nominee Short Story - Kelly, James Patrick - Itsy Bitsy Spider
Hugo 1998 Nominee Short Story - Sawyer, Robert - The Hand You're Dealt
Hugo 1998 Winner Novel - Haldeman, Joe - Forever Peace
Hugo 1998 Winner Novella - Steele, Allen - ...Where Angels Fear to Tread
Hugo 1998 Winner Short Story - Resnick, Mike - The 43 Antarean Dynasties
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novel - Sawyer, Robert - Factoring Humanity
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novel - Wilson, Robert Charles - Darwinia
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novelette - Egan, Greg - The Planck Dive
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novelette - Klages, Ellen - Time Gypsy
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novelette - Kress, Nancy - Steamship Soldier on the Information Front
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novelette - Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Echea
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novelette - Steele, Allen - Zwarte Piet's Tale
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novelette - Wilson, Robert Charles - Divided by Infinity
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novella - Asaro, Catherine - Aurora in Four Voices
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novella - Chiang, Ted - Story of Your Life
Hugo 1999 Nominee Novella - MacLeod, Ian R - The Summer Isles
Hugo 1999 Nominee Short Story - Burstein, Michael A. - Cosmic Corkscrew
Hugo 1999 Nominee Short Story - Reed, Robert - Whiptail
Hugo 1999 Nominee Short Story - Sterling, Bruce - Maneki Neko
Hugo 1999 Winner Novel - Willis, Connie, - To Say Nothing of the Dog
Hugo 1999 Winner Novelette - Sterling, Bruce - Taklamakan
Hugo 1999 Winner Novella - Egan, Greg - Oceanic
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novel - Bear, Greg - Darwin's Radio
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - A Civil Campaign
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novel - Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novel - Stephenson, Neal - Cryptonomicon
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novelette - Arnason, Eleanor - Stellar Harvest
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novelette - Egan, Greg - Border Guards
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novelette - Jensen, Jan Lars - The Secret History of the Ornithopter
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novelette - MacLeod, Ian R - The Chop Girl
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novelette - Purdom, Tom - Fossil Games
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novella - Baker, Kage - Son Observe the Time
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novella - Oltion, Jerry & Castro, Adam-Troy - The Astronaut from Wyoming
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novella - Resnick, Mike - Hunting the Snark
Hugo 2000 Nominee Novella - Turtledove, Harry - Forty, Counting Down
Hugo 2000 Nominee Short Story - Bisson, Terry - macs
Hugo 2000 Nominee Short Story - DiChario, Nicholas A. - Sarajevo
Hugo 2000 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Hothouse Flowers
Hugo 2000 Nominee Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - Ancient Engines
Hugo 2000 Winner Novel - Vinge, Vernor - A Deepness in the Sky
Hugo 2000 Winner Novelette - Kelly, James Patrick, - 10 16 to 1
Hugo 2000 Winner Novella - Willis, Connie, - The Winds of Marble Arch
Hugo 2000 Winner Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - Scherzo with Tyrannosaur
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novel - Hopkinson, Nalo - Midnight Robber
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novel - Martin, George R. R. - A Storm of Swords
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novel - Sawyer, Robert - Calculating God
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novelette - Baxter, Stephen - On The Orion Line
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novelette - Resnick, Mike - Redchapel
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novelette - Schmidt, Stanley - Generation Gap
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novelette - Steele, Allen - Agape Among The Robots
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novella - Asaro, Catherine - A Roll of the Dice
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novella - Chiang, Ted - Seventy-Two Letters
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novella - Egan, Greg - Oracle
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novella - Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - The Retrieval Artist
Hugo 2001 Nominee Novella - Shepard, Lucius - Radiant Green Star
Hugo 2001 Nominee Short Story - Baxter, Stephen - The Gravity Mine
Hugo 2001 Nominee Short Story - Burstein, Michael A. - Kaddish for the Last Survivor
Hugo 2001 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - The Elephants on Neptune
Hugo 2001 Nominee Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - Moon Dogs
Hugo 2001 Winner Novel - Rowling, J.K. - Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Hugo 2001 Winner Novelette - Rusch, Kristine Kathryn - Millennium Babies
Hugo 2001 Winner Novella - Williamson, Jack - The Ultimate Earth
Hugo 2001 Winner Short Story - Langford, David, - Different Kinds of Darkness
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - The Curse of Chalion
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novel - MacLeod, Ken - Cosmonaut Keep
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novel - Mieville, China - Perdido Street Station
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novel - Willis, Connie - Passage
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novel - Wilson, Robert Charles - The Chronoliths
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novelette - Kelly, James Patrick - Undone
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novelette - Steele, Allen - The Days Between
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novelette - Stross, Charles - Lobsters
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novelette - Tourtellotte, Shane - The Return of Spring
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novella - Clough, B. W. - May Be Some Time
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novella - Dann, Jack - The Diamond Pit
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novella - Duncan, Andy - The Chief Designer
Hugo 2002 Nominee Novella - Steele, Allen - Stealing Alabama
Hugo 2002 Nominee Short Story - Baxter, Stephen - The Ghost Pit
Hugo 2002 Nominee Short Story - Le Guin, Ursula K - The Bones of the Earth
Hugo 2002 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Hugo 2002 Winner Novel - Gaiman, Neil, - American Gods
Hugo 2002 Winner Novelette - Chiang, Ted - Hell is the Absence of God
Hugo 2002 Winner Novella - Vinge, Vernor - Fast Times at Fairmont High
Hugo 2002 Winner Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - The Dog Said Bow-Wow
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novel - Brin, David - Kiln People
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novel - Mieville, China - The Scar
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novel - Robinson, Kim Stanley - The Years of Rice and Salt
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novel - Swanwick, Michael - Bones of the Earth
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novelette - Frost, Gregory - Madonna of the Maquiladora
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novelette - Le Guin, Ursula K - The Wild Girls
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novelette - McHugh, Maureen F - Presence
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novelette - Stross, Charles - Halo
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novelette - Swanwick, Michael - Slow Life
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novella - Chwedyk, Richard - Bronte's Egg
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novella - Filippo, Paul di - A Year in the Linear City
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novella - Finlay, Charles Coleman - The Political Officer
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novella - Forde, Pat - In Spirit
Hugo 2003 Nominee Novella - Gaiman, Neil - Coraline
Hugo 2003 Nominee Short Story - Ford, Jeffrey - Creation
Hugo 2003 Nominee Short Story - Gloss, Molly - Lambing Season
Hugo 2003 Nominee Short Story - Landis, Geoffrey - Falling Onto Mars
Hugo 2003 Nominee Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - Hello,' Said the Stick
Hugo 2003 Nominee Short Story - Swanwick, Michael - The Little Cat Laughed to See Such Sport
Hugo 2003 Winner Novel - Sawyer, Robert - Hominids
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novel - Sawyer, Robert - Humans
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novel - Simmons, Dan - Ilium
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novel - Stross, Charles - Singularity Sky
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novel - Wilson, Robert Charles - Blind Lake
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novelette - Ford, Jeffrey - Empire of Ice Cream
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novelette - Kelly, James Patrick - Bernardo's House
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novelette - Lake, Jay - Into the Gardens of Sweet Night
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novelette - Reed, Robert - Hexagons
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novelette - Stross, Charles - Nightfall
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novella - Asaro, Catherine - Walk in Silence
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novella - Baker, Kage - Empress of Mars
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novella - Williams, Walter Jon - The Green Leopard Plague
Hugo 2004 Nominee Novella - Willis, Connie - Just Like the Ones We Used to Know
Hugo 2004 Nominee Short Story - Burstein, Michael A. - Paying It Forward
Hugo 2004 Nominee Short Story - Haldeman, Joe - Four Short Novels
Hugo 2004 Nominee Short Story - Levine, David D. - The Tale of the Golden Eagle
Hugo 2004 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Robots Don't Cry
Hugo 2004 Winner Novel - Bujold, Lois McMaster - Paladin of Souls
Hugo 2004 Winner Novelette - Swanwick, Michael - Legions in Time
Hugo 2004 Winner Novella - Vinge, Vernor - The Cookie Monster
Hugo 2004 Winner Short Story - Gaiman, Neil - A Study in Emerald
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novel - Banks, Iain M - The Algebraist
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novel - Mieville, China - Iron Council
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novel - Stross, Charles - Iron Sunrise
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novelette - Bacigalupi, Paolo - The People of Sand and Slag
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novelette - Rosenbaum, Benjamin - Biographical Notes to 'A Discourse on the Nature of Causality, with Air-Planes'
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novelette - Rowe, Christopher - The Voluntary State
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novella - Bujold, Lois McMaster - Winterfair Gifts
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novella - Burstein, Michael A. - Time Ablaze
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novella - Denton, Bradley - Sergeant Chip
Hugo 2005 Nominee Novella - Stross, Charles - Elector
Hugo 2005 Nominee Short Story - Burstein, Michael A. - Decisions
Hugo 2005 Nominee Short Story - Kelly, James Patrick - The Best Christmas Ever
Hugo 2005 Nominee Short Story - Resnick, Mike - A Princess of Earth
Hugo 2005 Nominee Short Story - Sawyer, Robert - Shed Skin
Hugo 2005 Winner Novel - Clarke, Susanna - Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell
Hugo 2005 Winner Novelette - Link, Kelly - The Faery Handbag
Hugo 2005 Winner Short Story - Resnick, Mike - Travels with My Cats
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novel - Charles Stross - Accelerando
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novel - George R.R. Martin - [Ice and Fire 04] - A Feast for Crows
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novel - John Scalzi - Old Man's War
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novel - Ken MacLeod - Learning the World (not available yet)
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novelette - Cory Doctorow - I, Robot
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novelette - Howard Waldrop - The King of Where-I-Go
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novelette - Michael A. Burstein - TelePresence
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novelette - Paolo Bacigalupi - The Calorie Man
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novella - Ian McDonald - The Little Goddess
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novella - James Patrick Kelly - Burn
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novella - Kelly Link - Magic for Beginners
Hugo 2006 Nominee Novella - Robert J. Sawyer - Identify Theft
Hugo 2006 Nominee Short Story - Dominic Green - The Clockwork Atom Bomb
Hugo 2006 Nominee Short Story - Margo Lanagan - Singing My Sister Down
Hugo 2006 Nominee Short Story - Michael A. Burstein - Seventy-Five Years
Hugo 2006 Nominee Short Story - Mike Resnick - Down Memory Lane
Hugo 2006 Winner Novelette - Peter S. Beagle - Two Hearts
Hugo 2006 Winner Novella - Connie Willis - Inside Job
Hugo 2006 Winner Short Story - David D. Levine - Tk'tk'tk
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