Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis
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Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis

Professor George Jelinek

An Evidence-Based Guide to Recovery

A research-based approach to treating the devastating neurological condition multiple sclerosis, based on a combination of drug treatment and lifestyle modifications

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a serious, progressively disabling condition for which current medical treatment is not particularly effective and has many side effects, however, this guide provides a genuine alternative. Through an exhaustive, evidence-based analysis of medical research, the study concludes that MS is a disease largely determined by lifestyle factors. Showing that people with MS who modify their diet, their exercise habits, and other aspects of their lifestyle can stabilize the illness and potentially recover, these recommendations will change the lives of thousands of people with MS and support their loved ones.

396 pages
(July 20, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1742371795
ISBN-13: 978-1742371795

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3 Responses to “Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis”

  1. #1 zackiya Says:

    i am keen to help my friend recently diagnosed ms bt lives in fear

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