Overview and comparison of major cryptocurrencies - Al Sheen
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Overview and comparison of major cryptocurrencies - Al Sheen

Written by Al Sheen
Language: English
Format(s): PDF

Bitcoin, Litecoin, cryptocurrencies, mining... It seems like these new words are popping up
everywhere in recent months. In part, the cryptocurrency boom is due to the fact that historically they
have shown much higher profitability than the traditional dollar or euro.

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One Response to “Overview and comparison of major cryptocurrencies - Al Sheen”

  1. #1 Beartooth Bronsky Says:

    Geez, the right-wing’s “this isn’t a democracy, it’s a republic” moronic sophistry again. Look up “democracy” in a thesaurus and a synonym is “republic.” Look up “republic” and a synonym is “democracy.” Geez, what do Americans spend their time in civics class doing? Playing Candy Crush on their phones?

    A democracy & a republic are both defined as:

    1. a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.

    2. any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth.

    3. a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.

    A republic IS a democracy. Though you could argue that certain more exotic forms of democracies are not republics, the inverse is NOT true.

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