Steel #1
E book under: Comics

Shared by:gemini_love

Steel #1

Ever since DC announced the return of Doomsday a couple of months back, I've struggled with my emotions almost nonstop. Steel is a great character that's been off my radar since 52. Ed Benes can draw some knock-down, drag-out action sequences. Doomsday calls back to my childhood reading habits. But therein lies the rub: Doomsday is a product of the early 90's and that stink remains despite how many times DC has tried to repurpose him.

Steel #1 is essentially one long "remember when鈥?" episode, right down to the unnecessary reminder of the "Reign of the Supermen" story arc. It's sort of cool in the opening moments until you realize just how dead that horse has been beaten. The issue isn't poorly written per se, it simply feels wholly irrelevant. While this Steel one-shot is merely a primer for the bulk of the "Reign of Doomsday" crossover, there is no reason given 鈥?or even hinted at 鈥?for Doomsday's sudden reappearance. Quite literally, the book begins and the reader is expected to accept the monster's return at face value. An explanation will likely be given in future installments, but that doesn't forgive Steel #1 for feeling incomplete.

Gripes aside, writer Steve Lyons has a solid grip on the core of Steel's character, along with his niece Natasha. Lyons does succeed at telling a superhero/supervillain battle amongst a concrete jungle, despite how formulaic or predictable the issue winds up being. His work serves its purpose, which unfortunately seems to be to kick off what will likely be an underwhelming crossover story with an equally underwhelming first installment.

Ed Benes finds more success here, as Lyons plays to Benes' other strength (the one that's not drawing buxom women), which is straight up superhero action. There are very few moments in Steel #1 that don't involve someone getting punched, and as a result the issue feels like Benes settled right in. Colorist Blond spices up the primary fight a bit with a gorgeous sunset-like color palette as Steele and Doomsday beat the tar out of each other amid the pedestrians of Metropolis. It's not much, but it adds a bit of dramatic flair to a rivalry that otherwise feels like it was culled out of thin air for no purpose other than boosting sales.

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