The Care of Wounds: A Guide for Nurses
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The Care of Wounds: A Guide for Nurses

Carol Dealey (Author) "Wound healing is a highly complex process..."

Care of Wounds addresses all aspects of holistic wound care management. The third edition of this successful text continues to reflect current research and evidence based practice, while incorporating the considerable developments which have occurred in wound care practice since the publication of the second edition.

The third edition includes new chapters on evidence-based wound care and the organisation of wound management, together with new material on nurse prescribing and the management of wounds in the community; the development of nurse-led ulcer clinics and specialist wound management centres; details of new technologies and the use of pressure redistributing equipment. Although principally written for nurses, it is of value to all healthcare professionals working in the field of wound healing.

248 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 3 edition (August 26, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1405118636
ISBN-13: 978-1405118637

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