The Elements of Private Investigation - Anthony Manley
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The Elements of Private Investigation - Anthony Manley

Written by Anthony Manley
Edition: 2009
Format(s): PDF
Language: English

In today’s increasingly litigious society, the threat of a private investigator (PI) being hit with a civil lawsuit or even criminal charges is very real. Keeping up with the multitude of laws that impact what investigators can and can’t do—can be daunting—but could prove very costly if ignored.

Emphasizing legal and liability issues, The Elements of Private Investigation: An Introduction to the Law, Techniques, and Procedures provides a comprehensive introduction to the professional requirements, investigative techniques, and legal responsibilities of the modern investigator. It supplies private and corporate security professionals with best-practice investigative techniques, highlights the risks that investigators are likely to encounter, and details what PIs can and can’t do in the eyes of the law. In addition, the book:

* Details the restrictions placed on PIs as private citizens

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