Category: Magazine

Academic journals, Art, Boating, Car, Computer, Fantasy fiction, Health and fitness, History, Horror fiction magazines, Humor, Literary magazines, Luxury magazines, Men’s magazines, Music, News, OSHA (magazine)s, Partworks, Pulp magazines, Railroad, Regional, Satirical, Science magazines and scientific journals, Science fiction, Teen magazines, Trade journals, Wildlife, Women’s

E book under: Magazine 
Tags: Adbusters Magazine 

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Adbusters Magazine #40 Empire

Seeds: 37
Peers: 6
Completed Downloads: 496
File Size: 105.63 MBs

E book under: Magazine 
Tags: Elektor Magazine 

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Elektor Magazine Dec 1986

Seeds: 45
Peers: 6
Completed Downloads: 453
File Size: 24.02 MBs

E book under: Magazine 
Tags: The Economist 

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The Economist - The World In 2009

Seeds: 34
Peers: 7
Completed Downloads: 456
File Size: 3.94 MBs

E book under: Magazine 
Tags: PC Today 

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PC Today   Jan  2011

Seeds: 41
Peers: 7
Completed Downloads: 350
File Size: 15.51 MBs

E book under: Magazine 
Tags: Vogue Knitting 

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Vogue Knitting  Fall/Winter 2005

Seeds: 12
Peers: 9
Completed Downloads: 344
File Size: 14.76 MBs

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