Category: Marketing Ebook

Marketing Ebooks include advertising, distribution and selling. Marketing is also concerned with anticipating the customers’ future needs and wants, which are often discovered through market research.

E book under: Marketing Ebook 
Tags: Internet  Money 

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From Newbie to Millionaire- Make Money Online -  Christine Clayfield

Seeds: 50
Peers: 5
Completed Downloads: 658
File Size: 19.59 MBs

E book under: Marketing Ebook 
Tags: Presentation  Skills 

Shared by:Abee

Quick Fixes Based On How Your Audience Thinks - Stephen Kosslyn

Seeds: 14
Peers: 10
Completed Downloads: 750
File Size: 1.92 MBs

Shared by:Abee

Everything You Need to Know About Creating & Selling Your Work  - Editors of Writer's Digest

Seeds: 25
Peers: 7
Completed Downloads: 233
File Size: 695.98 KBs

E book under: Marketing Ebook 
Tags: Bin  Google  Innovation  Larry  Page  Sergy 

Shared by:Abee

Google Speaks - Secrets Of The World's Greatest.. - Janet Lowe

Seeds: 15
Peers: 4
Completed Downloads: 961
File Size: 1.92 MBs

E book under: Marketing Ebook 
Tags: Law Of Marketing 

Shared by:oxx78

The Law of Marketing - Lynda J. Oswald

Seeds: 95
Peers: 10
Completed Downloads: 997
File Size: 3.61 MBs

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