Category: Novel

A novel is today a long written, fictional, prose narrative.Campus, Crime fiction, Fantasy, Gothic, Horror, Romance, Spy, Thriller, Science fiction, Speculative, Westerns and more…

E book under: Novel 
Tags: American  Gods 

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American Gods - Neil Gaiman

Seeds: 32
Peers: 6
Completed Downloads: 675
File Size: 1.5 MBs

E book under: Novel 
Tags: Blood  Eden  Sloan Skye 

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Blood of Eden (Sloan Skye 1) - Tami Dane

Seeds: 71
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 970
File Size: 671.99 KBs

E book under: Novel 
Tags: Darkest  Down  Oak Knoll  Road 

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Down the Darkest Road (Oak Knoll 3) - Tami Hoag

Seeds: 89
Peers: 4
Completed Downloads: 471
File Size: 927.85 KBs

E book under: Novel 
Tags: Covert  Presidential Agent  Warriors 

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Covert Warriors (Presidential Agent 7) - W.E.B. Griffin, William E. Butterworth IV

Seeds: 52
Peers: 6
Completed Downloads: 395
File Size: 940.46 KBs

E book under: Novel 
Tags: Jack Morgan  Private  Suspect 

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Private: #1 Suspect (Jack Morgan 3) - James Patterson,Maxine Paetro

Seeds: 96
Peers: 8
Completed Downloads: 429
File Size: 1.01 MBs

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