A novel is today a long written, fictional, prose narrative.Campus, Crime fiction, Fantasy, Gothic, Horror, Romance, Spy, Thriller, Science fiction, Speculative, Westerns and more…
Category: Novel
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Tags: Novel 
Tags: Novel 
Shared by:swaps_78
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Completed Downloads: 279
File Size: 480.1 KBs
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Tags: Alyson  Blue  By  Dark  Evermore  Flame  Immortals  Moon  Night  Noel  Series  Shadowland  Star  The 
Tags: Alyson  Blue  By  Dark  Evermore  Flame  Immortals  Moon  Night  Noel  Series  Shadowland  Star  The 
Shared by:Saurabh0009
Seeds: 48
Peers: 5
Completed Downloads: 315
File Size: 6.71 MBs
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Tags: Blood  Blue  By  Cruz  De  La  Melissa  Series 
Tags: Blood  Blue  By  Cruz  De  La  Melissa  Series 
Shared by:Saurabh0009
Seeds: 66
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Completed Downloads: 171
File Size: 5.29 MBs
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Tags: By  Caine  Days  Letter  Morganville  Outcast  Rachael  Red  Season  Series  Short  Stories  Vampires  Warden  Weather 
Tags: By  Caine  Days  Letter  Morganville  Outcast  Rachael  Red  Season  Series  Short  Stories  Vampires  Warden  Weather 
Shared by:Saurabh0009
Seeds: 10
Peers: 6
Completed Downloads: 404
File Size: 23.9 MBs
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Tags: Fiction  Novel  Steven King 
Tags: Fiction  Novel  Steven King 
Shared by:tonylegend13
Seeds: 25
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 610
File Size: 889.64 KBs