Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer science, Ecology, Geography, Geology, Linguistics, Microbiology, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Zoology, Observation, Hypothesis, Prediction, Experiment, Evaluation, and more ebooks on the Science topic.
Category: Science Ebooks
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Science Ebooks
Tags: Dynamics  Kinematics  MATLAB  Mechanics  Mechanisms  Robotics  Robots Analysis 
Tags: Dynamics  Kinematics  MATLAB  Mechanics  Mechanisms  Robotics  Robots Analysis 
Shared by:matman
Seeds: 8
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 1211
File Size: 2.62 MBs
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Science Ebooks
Tags: Artificial Intelligence  Combinatorics  Data Mining  Information Design  Interplay  Mathematics  Philosophy  Probability  Random Trees  Statistics 
Tags: Artificial Intelligence  Combinatorics  Data Mining  Information Design  Interplay  Mathematics  Philosophy  Probability  Random Trees  Statistics 
Shared by:xooxon
Seeds: 4
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Completed Downloads: 597
File Size: 3.43 MBs
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Science Ebooks
Tags: After Bercovici  After Devaux  After Glatzmaier  After Tackley  After Travis  After Zebib  Atlantic Ocean  Basaltic Volcanism Study Project  Cape Verde  Earth And Planets  East Pacific Rise  Gyr Figure  Ishtar Terra  Lunar Prospector  Mantle Convection  Mars Global Surveyor  Myr Figure  Myr Vmax  North America  Olympus Mons  Phipps Morgan  Pioneer Venus  San Andreas  South America  South Pole-Aitken  United States  Valles Marineris 
Tags: After Bercovici  After Devaux  After Glatzmaier  After Tackley  After Travis  After Zebib  Atlantic Ocean  Basaltic Volcanism Study Project  Cape Verde  Earth And Planets  East Pacific Rise  Gyr Figure  Ishtar Terra  Lunar Prospector  Mantle Convection  Mars Global Surveyor  Myr Figure  Myr Vmax  North America  Olympus Mons  Phipps Morgan  Pioneer Venus  San Andreas  South America  South Pole-Aitken  United States  Valles Marineris 
Shared by:jack
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Completed Downloads: 258
File Size: 15.52 MBs
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Science Ebooks
Tags: Alvise Perosa  Chemistry  Fulvio Zecchini Copyright  Green  Green Chem  John Wiley  Liebigs Ann  Methods  Pietro Tundo  Pure Appl  Reagents  Symposium Series  Tetrahedron Lett  United States  World Patent 
Tags: Alvise Perosa  Chemistry  Fulvio Zecchini Copyright  Green  Green Chem  John Wiley  Liebigs Ann  Methods  Pietro Tundo  Pure Appl  Reagents  Symposium Series  Tetrahedron Lett  United States  World Patent 
Shared by:jack
Seeds: 1
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Completed Downloads: 317
File Size: 9.23 MBs
E book under:
Science Ebooks
Tags: Chaotic  Dynamics  Economics  Finance  Mathematics  Nonlinear  Statistics 
Tags: Chaotic  Dynamics  Economics  Finance  Mathematics  Nonlinear  Statistics 
Shared by:jack
Seeds: 30
Peers: 20
Completed Downloads: 81
File Size: 54.66 MBs