Category: Science Ebooks

Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer science, Ecology, Geography, Geology, Linguistics, Microbiology, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Zoology, Observation, Hypothesis, Prediction, Experiment, Evaluation, and more ebooks on the Science topic.

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Quantum Computation  Quantum Information 

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Principles of quantum computation and information. Basic concepts - Benenti, Casati, Strini

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File Size: 7.71 MBs

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Science 

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Science Park - November 2013 (gnv64) - various

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Completed Downloads: 224
File Size: 25.01 MBs

E book under: Computer Ebooks  Science Ebooks 
Tags: Programming 

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programming_with_wxDec-C++ - by soft

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File Size: 2.81 MBs

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Earth 

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A to Z of Earth Scientists  - Alexander E. Gates

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File Size: 3.07 MBs

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Space Today (5th Ed) 

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Space Today (5th Ed) - Mohan Sundara Rajan

Seeds: 18
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Completed Downloads: 154
File Size: 9.99 MBs

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