Self-help books are books written with the stated intention to instruct any readers on a number of personal problems. They take their name from Self-Help, the Victorian best-seller, but are also known and classified under “self-improvement”, a term that is a modernized version of self-help. They moved from a niche position to being a postmodern cultural phenomenon in the late twentieth century - a period marked out by ‘the burgeoning literatures of self-improvement…that expanded dramtically in the last quarter of the twentieth century, particularly in its final decade’.
Category: Self-Help Ebooks
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Self-Help Ebooks
Tags: Apple  Assange  Bill  Buffet  Business  Churchil  Collection  Cosby  Disney  Dostoevesky  Funny  George  Gita  Google  Great  Hemingway  Huge  Hugo  Inspirational  Jobs  Laughter  Lenin  Mark  Marx  Marylin  Most  Movie  Music  Novel  Professional  Roger  Speech  Stalin  Success  Teresa  Tolstoy  Twain  Victor 
Tags: Apple  Assange  Bill  Buffet  Business  Churchil  Collection  Cosby  Disney  Dostoevesky  Funny  George  Gita  Google  Great  Hemingway  Huge  Hugo  Inspirational  Jobs  Laughter  Lenin  Mark  Marx  Marylin  Most  Movie  Music  Novel  Professional  Roger  Speech  Stalin  Success  Teresa  Tolstoy  Twain  Victor 
Shared by:Abee
Seeds: 78
Peers: 10
Completed Downloads: 922
File Size: 42.76 MBs
E book under:
Self-Help Ebooks
Tags: 10 Mindful Minutes: Giving Our Children--and OurselvesS  Anxiety  Emotional  Healthier  Lives  Stress 
Tags: 10 Mindful Minutes: Giving Our Children--and OurselvesS  Anxiety  Emotional  Healthier  Lives  Stress 
Shared by:sweet
Seeds: 41
Peers: 10
Completed Downloads: 390
File Size: 246.9 KBs
E book under:
Self-Help Ebooks
Tags: A.I  Best  Book  Category  Che  Collection  Einstein  Gandhi  Gita  Great  Hitler  Humor  Legends  Music  Oscar  Quotes  Revolution  Steve  Struggle  Thoughts 
Tags: A.I  Best  Book  Category  Che  Collection  Einstein  Gandhi  Gita  Great  Hitler  Humor  Legends  Music  Oscar  Quotes  Revolution  Steve  Struggle  Thoughts 
Shared by:Abee
Seeds: 64
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 630
File Size: 42.8 MBs
E book under:
Self-Help Ebooks
Tags: Brian Weiss 
Tags: Brian Weiss 
Shared by:gnv64
Seeds: 78
Peers: 6
Completed Downloads: 851
File Size: 28.04 MBs
E book under:
Self-Help Ebooks
Tags: Compassion  Criticism  Happiness  Self-Esteem 
Tags: Compassion  Criticism  Happiness  Self-Esteem 
Shared by:l00p1n
Seeds: 41
Peers: 0
Completed Downloads: 591
File Size: 609.27 KBs