Ebooks About communism

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Tags: Black Humor  Communism  Dark Humor  Detective  Funny Mystery  Satire 

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Hardcase McDougal and the Huge F***ing Mystery - Keith Blackwater

Seeds: 56
Peers: 10
Completed Downloads: 371
File Size: 3.93 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Anarchism  Capitalism  Colonialism  Communism  Global  Globalization  Marxism 

Shared by:rcs

The Age of Globalization Anarchists and the Anti-Colonial Imagination  - Benedict Anderson

Seeds: 61
Peers: 1
Completed Downloads: 476
File Size: 7.32 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Anarchism  China  Communism  Economics  Economy  Engels  England  Freedom  Lenin  Marc  Occupy  Politics  Revolution  Russia  Trotsky  Uk  Usa  USSR 

Shared by:rcs

Marx. A very short introduction - Peter Singer

Seeds: 42
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 103
File Size: 1.31 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: America  Anarchism  Capitalism  Communism  Crony Capitalism  Democracy  Economy  Occupy  Socialism  United States  Usa 

Shared by:rcs

The Market Revolution in America Liberty Ambition, and the Eclipse of the Common Good - John Lauritz Larson

Seeds: 19
Peers: 3
Completed Downloads: 484
File Size: 3.7 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Anarchism  Capitalism  Communism  Economics  Economy  Market  Occupy  Organization  Politics  Socialism  Society 

Shared by:Tybie

Governing the Commons The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions  - Elinor Ostrom

Seeds: 38
Peers: 6
Completed Downloads: 381
File Size: 23.68 MBs

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