Ebooks About nonfiction

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E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Finance  Money  Nonfiction  Wall Street 

Seeds: 34
Peers: 3
Completed Downloads: 458
File Size: 529.59 KBs

E book under: Political Ebook 
Tags: International Relations  Nonfiction  Politics 

Shared by:kirniy

Russia, China, and the New Cold War Against America  - Douglas E. Schoen, Melik Kaylan

Seeds: 95
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 877
File Size: 679.64 KBs

Shared by:Abee

Evidence and Inference in Indian History - Edwin Bryant, Laurie Patton

Seeds: 72
Peers: 9
Completed Downloads: 788
File Size: 4.13 MBs

E book under: Business Ebooks 
Tags: Azw3  Epub  Itzy  Nonfiction  Retail 

Shared by:Itzy

And Why Some Companies Never Give In - Jim Collins

Seeds: 46
Peers: 1
Completed Downloads: 334
File Size: 3.51 MBs

E book under: Business Ebooks 
Tags: 2014  Azw3  Business  Epub  Itzy  Nonfiction  Pdf  Retail 

Shared by:Itzy

How Economists and Their Ideas have Transformed Business - Robert Litan

Seeds: 91
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 292
File Size: 2.73 MBs

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