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E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: America  Founding Fathers  President  Revolution  Usa 

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Gore Vidal-Inventing A Nation_ Washington, Adams, Jefferson- - Gore Vidal

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E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Bolivarian  Capitalism  Occupy  Oil  Revolution  Socialism  South America  Venezuela 

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Hugo Chávez Socialist For The Twenty-First Century  - Mike Gonzalez

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Tags: Anarchism  China  Communism  Economics  Economy  Engels  England  Freedom  Lenin  Marc  Occupy  Politics  Revolution  Russia  Trotsky  Uk  Usa  USSR 

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Marx. A very short introduction - Peter Singer

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File Size: 1.31 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Change  Climeate Change  Eco  Enviro  Global Warming  Revolution 

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The Derrick Jensen Reader_ Writings on Environmental Revolution  - Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith

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File Size: 5.19 MBs

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