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E book under: Teen/Young Adult Ebook 
Tags: Dystopia  Romance  Sci-Fi  Science Fiction  YA  Young Adult 

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The Winner's Trilogy - Marie Rutkoski

E book under: Romance Ebooks 
Tags: 80es  Bestseller  Gay  Gay Romance  High School  LGBT  YA 

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Sam Dorsey and His Sixteen Candles (aka Turning 16, Gay, LGBT) - Perie Wolford

Seeds: 54
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File Size: 4.87 MBs

E book under: Other 
Tags: Razorland  YA  Young Adult 

Shared by:AlwaysReads

Enclave - Ann Aguirre

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File Size: 434.71 KBs

E book under: Paranormal Ebook 
Tags: Fantasy  Fiction  Love  Paranormal  Romance  Suspense  Teen  YA  Young Adult 

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The Deception Dance - Rita Stradling

Seeds: 38
Peers: 3
Completed Downloads: 602
File Size: 821.51 KBs

E book under: Romance Ebooks 
Tags: Love  Novel  Romance  YA 

Shared by:roshcat

Perfect Chemistry (#1) - Simone Elkeles

Seeds: 63
Peers: 5
Completed Downloads: 616
File Size: 904.19 KBs

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