Essays, journals, documentaries, histories, scientific papers, photographs, biographies, textbooks, blueprints, technical documentation, user manuals, diagrams and some journalism are all common examples of non-fiction works, and including information that the author knows to be untrue within any of these works is usually regarded as dishonest.
Category: Nonfiction Ebooks
E book under:
Nonfiction Ebooks
Tags: Canada  Conservative  Cooperation  CORPORATION  Corruption  Democracy  Economy  Federal  Legislation  Liberal  Mp  Ndp  Occupy  Parliament  Politics  Prime Minister  Pttaw  Submission 
Tags: Canada  Conservative  Cooperation  CORPORATION  Corruption  Democracy  Economy  Federal  Legislation  Liberal  Mp  Ndp  Occupy  Parliament  Politics  Prime Minister  Pttaw  Submission 
Shared by:rcs
Seeds: 41
Peers: 4
Completed Downloads: 214
File Size: 1.96 MBs
E book under:
Nonfiction Ebooks
Tags: Agriculture. Experiment  Animal  Animal Law  Animal Rights  Animal Welfar  Beef  Cat  Chicken  Cow  Cruelty  Dog  Ethics  Farm  Für  Hsus  Humane  Mercy For Animals  Pet  PETA  Pig  Sheep  Slaughter  Turkey  Vivisection 
Tags: Agriculture. Experiment  Animal  Animal Law  Animal Rights  Animal Welfar  Beef  Cat  Chicken  Cow  Cruelty  Dog  Ethics  Farm  Für  Hsus  Humane  Mercy For Animals  Pet  PETA  Pig  Sheep  Slaughter  Turkey  Vivisection 
Shared by:Guest
Seeds: 99
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 597
File Size: 52.21 MBs
E book under:
Nonfiction Ebooks
Tags: Abolition  Animal  Animal Rights  Animal Welfare  Calf  Cat  Chicken  Cow  Dog  Ethics  Experiment  Farm  Fox  Für  Fur Farm  Mink  Pig  Turkey 
Tags: Abolition  Animal  Animal Rights  Animal Welfare  Calf  Cat  Chicken  Cow  Dog  Ethics  Experiment  Farm  Fox  Für  Fur Farm  Mink  Pig  Turkey 
Shared by:AnimalFreedom
Seeds: 49
Peers: 9
Completed Downloads: 847
File Size: 1.88 MBs
E book under:
Nonfiction Ebooks
Tags: Anarchism  China  Communism  Economics  Economy  Engels  England  Freedom  Lenin  Marc  Occupy  Politics  Revolution  Russia  Trotsky  Uk  Usa  USSR 
Tags: Anarchism  China  Communism  Economics  Economy  Engels  England  Freedom  Lenin  Marc  Occupy  Politics  Revolution  Russia  Trotsky  Uk  Usa  USSR 
Shared by:rcs
Seeds: 42
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 103
File Size: 1.31 MBs
E book under:
Nonfiction Ebooks
Tags: Fast,Slow,Daniel Kahneman  Thinking 
Tags: Fast,Slow,Daniel Kahneman  Thinking 
Shared by:oliviababy123
Seeds: 79
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Completed Downloads: 480
File Size: 4.61 MBs