Category: Nonfiction Ebooks

Essays, journals, documentaries, histories, scientific papers, photographs, biographies, textbooks, blueprints, technical documentation, user manuals, diagrams and some journalism are all common examples of non-fiction works, and including information that the author knows to be untrue within any of these works is usually regarded as dishonest.

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Napoleon 

Shared by:eumax

For and Against

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Completed Downloads: 501
File Size: 7.6 MBs

E book under: Audio Books  Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: 9/11  History Ebook  Sept. 11 

Sept. 11 Tapes, Oral Histories

Seeds: 1
Peers: 0
Completed Downloads: 332
File Size: 383.74 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Dreams 

The Dictionary of Dreams: 10,000 Dreams Interpreted

Seeds: 1
Peers: 0
Completed Downloads: 807
File Size: 1.42 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Mein Kampf 

Mein Kampf/My Struggle

Seeds: 1
Peers: 0
Completed Downloads: 533
File Size: 3.33 MBs

E book under: Audio Books  Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Bankrupt  Democratic 

Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party

Seeds: 1
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 560
File Size: 297.75 MBs

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