Category: Science Ebooks

Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry, Computer science, Ecology, Geography, Geology, Linguistics, Microbiology, Physics, Psychology, Sociology, Zoology, Observation, Hypothesis, Prediction, Experiment, Evaluation, and more ebooks on the Science topic.

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Tags: History  Measurement  Philosphy  Science 

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Transport Phenomena - R. Byron Bird

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Tags: Abnormal Sexual Behaviour  Auto-elimination  Cosmic Traffic Accident  Cosmology  Cosmos  Evolution  Homo Sapiens  Intelligence  Life  Overpollution  Overpopulation  Planet Earth  Sex For Pleasure  Technological Development  Universe 

Shared by:cantovento

From BigBang to Overpopulation - Yog, the quark

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E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Differential Equations  Mathematical Modeling  Mathematics  Probability  Technology  Zombies 

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Mathematical Modelling of Zombies - Robert Smith?

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File Size: 12.01 MBs

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Engineering 

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Eight Amazing Engineering Stories - Bill Hammack, Patrick Ryan, Nick Ziech

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