Ebooks About Iraq

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E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: America  Chagossian  Colonialism  CORPORATION  Desert Storm  Imperialism  Iraq  Occupy  U.S.  Uk 

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Island of Shame The Decret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia  - David Vine

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Peers: 5
Completed Downloads: 809
File Size: 1.9 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Arab  Gaza  Iran  Iraq  Middle East  Muslim  Palestine  Saudi Arabia  Syria 

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The Closing of the Muslim Mind - Robert Reilly

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Completed Downloads: 384
File Size: 296.52 KBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: 9/11  Afghanistan  America  Bush  Chaney  Colombia  Iraq  Pakistan  Rumsfeld  Usa  Vietnam  War 

Shared by:Tybie

American War Machine Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan - Peter Dale Scott

Seeds: 49
Peers: 8
Completed Downloads: 240
File Size: 515.91 KBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: America  BP  Bush  Chaney  Exxon  HAliburton  Iran  Iraq  Middel East  Occupy  Oil  Peak Oil  Usa  War 

Shared by:Tybie

Halliburton's Army How a Well-Connected Texas Oil Company Revolutionized the Way America Makes War  - Pratap Chatterjee

Seeds: 27
Peers: 4
Completed Downloads: 253
File Size: 1.4 MBs

E book under: Society Ebook 
Tags: Cultural Cleansing  Iraq 

Shared by:oxx78

Cultural Cleansing in Iraq

Seeds: 43
Peers: 4
Completed Downloads: 535
File Size: 1.22 MBs

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