Ebooks About Universe

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E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Abnormal Sexual Behaviour  Auto-elimination  Cosmic Traffic Accident  Cosmology  Cosmos  Evolution  Homo Sapiens  Intelligence  Life  Overpollution  Overpopulation  Planet Earth  Sex For Pleasure  Technological Development  Universe 

Shared by:cantovento

From BigBang to Overpopulation - Yog, the quark

Seeds: 52
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 617
File Size: 2.2 MBs

E book under: Other 
Tags: Climate Change  Earth  Ecology  Ecozoic  Environment  Global Warming  Occupy  Philosophy  Survival  Universe 

Shared by:Tybie

The Great Work - Thomas Berry

Seeds: 86
Peers: 2
Completed Downloads: 800
File Size: 1.4 MBs

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Universe 

Shared by:oxx78

Universe - Michael A. Seeds

Seeds: 54
Peers: 5
Completed Downloads: 847
File Size: 95.83 MBs

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Nothing  Something  Universe 

Shared by:bookmon

A Universe from Nothing: Why There Is Something Rather than Nothing - Lawrence M. Krauss

Seeds: 84
Peers: 5
Completed Downloads: 222
File Size: 1.21 MBs

E book under: Science Ebooks 
Tags: Galaxies  Solar System  Stars  Universe 

Shared by:bookie33

Universe: Solar System, Stars, and Galaxies - Michael A. Seeds, Dana Backman

Seeds: 100
Peers: 4
Completed Downloads: 557
File Size: 95.83 MBs

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