Do you have a question or comment about the Ebooks Bay? Please contact us by:

Email: theebooksbay(at)gmail(dot)com, replace (at) with @, (dot) with .

93 Responses to “Contact”

  1. #1 Laurence Queen Says:

    Is it possible for you to reset my username and password?
    I am having a problem logging in.

  2. #2 christina Says:

    Is it possible for you to reset my username and password,I am having a promblem logging in

  3. #3 Duke Says:

    Do you accept links?

    The genre, Intrigue/Romance novel, “Out Of Dust” is presented as a “Free-To-Read” story by Author, Duke Stevens (a complete novel “free-read”) .

    Stories by Duke Stevens presents, fiction titles; ” A Mountain Too High,” [Older woman/younger man Experience] “Hit The Sand Running” [What you begin may hold unexpected risk] and “Gold In The Morning Sun.” - [What was California tourist, Tess Gallager “really” looking for in Montana].

    A “See-If-You-Like-The-Story” online selling and advertising concept provides a “Free-Read” of the first four chapters of each novel.

  4. #4 janis0312 Says:

    Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark Series 1-7

    This file will not download. Any help from your end?

  5. #5 Jen Says:

    how do you download the books?! I can figure it out..

  6. #6 Peter Says:

    you can click torrent free downloads link.

  7. #7 donny Says:

    how can I download the book ??
    does all of the link damaged ??

  8. #8 Peter Says:

    All the links work for me. Good luck…

  9. #9 Lorelei Says:

    Everytime I click on the download another page pops up for a second then disappears. Does not let me download. Any thoughts?

  10. #10 Peter Says:

    I suppose there’s something goes on with your browser, normally when I click the links, my browser’s native download dialog pops up, but never disappears in a second…

  11. #11 RamonaJL Says:

    I am unable to download any books. When I click on the download link, all I get is a 1 or 2 KB file?


  12. #12 Peter Says:

    Use a bit torrent client to open the torrent file

  13. #13 avidreader1 Says:

    how do you download and how do you open download?
    which application do you use and is it applicable with MAC

  14. #14 Peter Says:

    click torrent free downloads link to download. for mac user, Azureus can be used to open the torrent file, then you’ll get your books.

  15. #15 Aimee Says:

    Any time i try to click on something eg. ‘nonfiction’, it doesn’t open the correct page, instead it comes up with jumbled letters.

  16. #16 theebooksbay Says:

    Hello, Aimee,
    That means the server is encountering heavy traffic, just wait seconds, or you can refresh your browser, then it should be ok.

    Sorry for the inconvenience, we are planning to upgrade our server recently.

  17. #17 Sam Says:

    All of the torrents report “NO TRACKER” when I attempt to download them using WMTorrent. Any recommendations. I’ve tried three torrent links all with the same result. Thanks,


  18. #18 Peter Says:

    Try Azureus or other bittorrent clients, the torrents are perfect for me.

  19. #19 carrol Says:

    I am having trouble logging in. I keep getting invalid login please try again.

  20. #20 nickyg Says:

    Hi I’m trying to d/l some books using utorrent, but doesn’t seem to be working not sure if i have done something wrong or not. I did click on the torrent free.

  21. #21 Peter Says:

    Hi nickyg,

    Please follow these steps:

    1, click torrent free downloads link to get the torrent file,
    2, use Azureus, BitComit or other bittorrent clients to open the torrent,
    3, get the book,
    4, if there’s any problem to get the book, leave a message on that page, someone in charge will handle it.

    Thanks for your patience.

  22. #22 nitin Says:


  23. #23 karen clem Says:

    how do i download items off this site as i carn’t see a download icon or a bit torrent icon to press to download stuff thanx

  24. #24 Peter Says:

    click “torrent free downloads” link to retrieve the torrent

  25. #25 Vicki Kondrad Says:

    I never received my user name and password. Is it possible for you to resend it to me ASAP?

  26. #26 Mindy Says:

    I cannot seem to log in - when I enter in the information I get an error

  27. #27 Peter Says:

    If you want to share your books, please log in and submit the book information. And login is not necessary for downloading.

  28. #28 Dr. Ali Saeed Says:

    how can obtian ganong review of medical physiology 23th ed (2009) as “PDF”

  29. #29 atefe Says:

    1.we can not search ebooks within name of writers
    2.i could not find any of the books i needed

  30. #30 Phe Says:

    Is it possible to add a form to this site for book sharing requests?

  31. #31 ebenash Says:

    It would be much greater to provide “List view” for all the books (and probably with tiny image).Its gets frustrating to see only 5 6 books per page and then change the page again.

  32. #32 Falafel Says:

    I seriously cannot figure out how to download any of these torrents. Can someone give me a step by step of how to do this? Please.

  33. #33 laughter_you Says:

    I’m having problem with logging in, although I’m already registered. I wanted to request for Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (epub) and Ladies of Grace Adieu and Other Stories by Susanna Clarke. Thanks.

  34. #34 szan Says:

    Hi, having problems logging in. Have registered and everytime i login it just keeps coming back to the login page?

  35. #35 mojavejim Says:

    Cannot log in ether here or at Fiction Books Bay to establish a torrents download account. The web programming is not functioning.



  36. #36 me Says:

    I can log in, I can add the torrent, I can see a bunch of peers but I don’t get a single byte down.

  37. #37 me Says:

    Sorry, I forgot to say this concerns Historical Menus, . I guess the torrent simply isn’t seeded.

  38. #38 Chris Says:

    I cannot login-in, forgot my user name.

  39. #39 Christopher Says:

    Do you have also german ebooks?

  40. #40 matzwinger Says:

    Can you delete my account?

  41. #41 ziyun Says:

    Same problem - everytime i log in it comes back to the login page - so i have not been able to download. What a pity - this is my fav site!

  42. #42 nettisert Says:

    Thank you for making this site available. The only request for change i would make is to have LESS female authors LESS Fantasy and vampire rubbish. Lets get back to those authors who produce realistic excitement and adventure.

  43. #43 Evangelia Says:

    I have many .pdf & audiobooks to share which i mainly purchased. How can I share the books if the are not torrents.
    Thank you for your advice

  44. #44 theebooksbay Says:

    Hi Evangelia,

    To share your ebooks, you may use a bittorrent client to create a torrent file. (for more help, you can check out
    Then you just upload your torrent file in the “share my ebook” page, and fill necessary information
    Finally, keep seeding.

  45. #45 LINDSEYKRAEMER Says:


  46. #46 Av8r Says:

    Downloaded “The 4-Hour Body) but the PDF and ePub won’t open… says access denied. :(

  47. #47 spuffyluver Says:

    is it possible for me to reset my email? I entered it wrong and pressed enter, I want to enter my correct email.

  48. #48 freeset Says:

    I click on the torrent and download the file but I can’t open it (even with ares as suggested). Any ideas? It’s the Rebecca York collection shared by rgb.

  49. #49 john faria Says:

    Dear institution

    My name is John Faria, I have a virtual editor,
    We just edited in pdf format epub and interactive.
    We will contact with the expectation that we can work together, because we edited but we need to distribute, so we contact you to ask if we can put our works for sale on your site and what costs would have to entail.
    I am waiting for a response with the following steps.

    Thank you for your attention,

    John Faria

  50. #50 tina Says:

    i want to know how to dowmload the books. i have tried everything.

  51. #51 Kelsey Says:

    This isn’t really working, i am able to download but i am unable to read it once i download it. I’m not sure what to do. Can you help? Thanks.

  52. #52 avulas Says:

    I simply cannot sing up… What is the problem?

  53. #53 eREADER Says:

    I also cannot sign up.

  54. #54 JC Says:

    Excellent site. God Bless You.

    Also wonder if you have a rss feed of the new titles?


  55. #55 redrave Says:

    please delete my account

  56. #56 Vig Yani Says:


    I have uploaded a book but cannot see details or torrent.

    Something went wrong?

    Let me know how to correct it otherwise delete it.

    Vig Yani

  57. #57 Ina Says:

    Hi, I just registered, but cannot log in. Says “invalid log in, please try again” every time I try. Any help would be great.

  58. #58 LB Says:

    Login is not working, I keep getting invalid login, even after recovering and resetting password. Looks like your login system is broken, thanks in advance for looking into it.

  59. #59 Nicholas Says:

    Looks like your login system is having problem. Re-setting pw couldn’t help either.

  60. #60 Roy Harding Says:

    You registration process is broken.

    I cannot log in with the user password I registered with. I reset the PW and couldn’t log in with the PW your system generated.

    It’s broken.

  61. #61 JAY_ehiehi Says:

    It seems I cannot log in…could you fix it, please?

  62. #62 kbryan Says:

    trying to create a user account and the “create an account” is not accepting any information…thanks

  63. #63 flocks Says:

    I would like info on how to download books

  64. #64 Kavya Says:

    I am not able to login 2 a newly created account!! How do i login??

  65. #65 theebooksbay Says:

    @ Kavya

    Maybe you could clean your browser cache, cookie and try again, or simply try another browser.

  66. #66 Steve Says:

    Can you all post more than 5 new ebooks per page? Maybe load up a dozen or so per page so im not constantly hitting the next button

  67. #67 littlefr0g Says:


    WHERE DO I GET THE “TAGS” from ?

    thank you.

  68. #68 Anonymous Says:

    filling in some keywords should be ok

  69. #69 Munter Says:

    I made 3 torrents (Trudi Canavan) but uTorrent isn’t showing any activity on them. Your web page gives numbers of seeds and completed downloads, but nothing is showing on uTorrent. Is this normal?

    I have made torrents before and there is always activity on uTorrent.

    Could you dl one and check it is working for me?

    Thank you.

  70. #70 Deb Says:

    How do I download by author

    Thank you

  71. #71 dan Says:

    This is frikkin awesome, good job random web programmer. Great resource.

  72. #72 john Says:

    dear boss,

    (Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress).

    Above message appears when attempting to access theaudiobookbay website.
    does not appear to be my settings, as is same result on other conections/computers.

    any clues apprecited.


    john pavy

  73. #73 Carlos Says:

    Pretty good books, but I always end up scanning the twitter feed for new books, wish you activate a RSS feed.


  74. #74 simmone Says:

    I downloaded a few books but I can’t view them. Are all the ebooks corrupt? I have been trying everything to open them and nothing is working after I download them. I even downloaded a torrent software and I still can’t view the ebooks I keep getting a message that says these are not valid pdf documents. How do I make it valid because it’s not working

  75. #75 Herman Endres Says:

    Re: Berlin Noir - Philip Kerr - Two WWII mysteries
    Shared by: hiflyer

    By mistake I sent two uploads of the same book. Can they be deleted? I will then send another one including a photo.
    Or, at least, delete one of my uploads.

  76. #76 Cadilla Says:

    I am having a similar problem as others. I cannot stay logged in and the ebooks will not download.

    I was able to download one time then the problem started where I log in BUT LOGGING IN HAS NO AFFECT ON YOUR LOGIN


    What is the problem?

    It seems ALL free books sites are having a problem as if ALL ISP servers have decided to impede customers from using ANY book links that are not PAID.

    This needs looking into.

    Thank You,

  77. #77 Peter Says:

    clean your browser cache, cookie and try again, or try another browser.

  78. #78 amwikya Says:


    I am looking for “Strategic Management awareness and change” but cant find it.

    Kindly assist.

    Thank you.

  79. #79 KIM Says:


  80. #80 theebooksbay Says:

    Please follow this to share your books:,2.0.html

  81. #81 Judith Says:

    Gay & lesbian needs to be added to the genres list with M/M or F/F THANKS!

  82. #82 Bob Says:

    There must be something you can do about the crazy number of duplicate books posted. Sometimes the same book is on two consecutive pages, or three or four times within five pages of results. I’m sure people out different titles in sometimes, and that makes it difficult, but some of them are EXACTLY the same.

    Also, it looked like you had the format indication at the top of each download page fixed, as for a couple of days it actually showed the formats in the download, instead of PDF for every single one, whether it was a pdf or not. It’s back to doing that again now.

    It’s not that I don’t appreciate the service - I do. These are a couple of minor tweaks that would make it easier to use.

  83. #83 Bob Says:

    Just noticed somebody above asking if they could remove a duplicate they created accidentally. That would be one step toward my first issue above (letting people who know they did it delete it, or replace an old version with a new one instead of creating a duplicate; replacements would have to be stoerd with the replacement date, not the orig. posting date).

  84. #84 dennis Says:

    Still unable to log in despite creating a new ID continually replies Invalid login Can this be fixed please?

  85. #85 dennisb Says:

    cannot log into the site always get Invalid login try again even when I create a new login. It would also appear that messages written here are being deleted between sessions.

  86. #86 cathy Says:

    Still not working please fix and put back your fiction section if you guys cant fix it just post a message that the site has been shut down for good it would be appreciated by all the people trying to get on.

  87. #87 nettiser Says:

    Is anyone monitoring this site? The log in just does not work, neither does rejoining or getting a new password. If the site is finished, how about posting a reply to say so?

  88. #88 theebooksbay Says:

    Hi, please clear your browser cache and try again. Our tech team tested several times and it worked perfectly.

  89. #89 nettiser Says:

    have now managed to log in Thanks for the tip. There appears to be a newer problem I am experiencing now in regards to password.

    I rest my lost password to one of my own, the response says successfully changed, however; if i try and use my own password i get blocked out as invalid user and password. Can someone check out why this is. There should be a multiple log to see how many times i have had to acquire a new password when the site times out. It might well of changed my password but it sure is not remembering it in the DB for next timeā€¦ Dennis

    PS this happens on audio books as well so this message is also posted there.

  90. #90 Clitorius Says:

    we also happy to join your community.Is have any condition of torrent seeding,like seed ratio.Still we haven’t seedbox..


  91. #91 Grizzly Says:

    hi there do you have a rss link thanks for any help

  92. #92 Joy Stuart Says:

    How does this work?

    How much does it cost after 14 days?

    Can you download to any device?



  93. #93 slunk3am Says:

    I have plenty of e-books I would like to share - but I do not know how to share them as torrents. Is there a way I could simply upload entire pdf files?



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