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Tags: Corruption  Eco  Economy  Enviro  Nigeria  Occupy  Oil  Politics 

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A Swamp Full of Dollars Pipelines and Paramilitaries at Nigeria's Oil Frontier  - Michael Peel

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File Size: 1.85 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Climate Change  Eco  Economics  Economy  Enviro  Global Warming  Green 

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Economics and the Challenge of Global Warming  - Charles S. Pearson

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File Size: 1.49 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: BP  BP Oil Spill  Capitalism  Disaster  Economy  Greed  Oil  Oil Spill 

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BP & the Reckless Pursuit of Profit - Loren C. Steffy

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File Size: 1.31 MBs

E book under: Nonfiction Ebooks 
Tags: Eco  Ecology  Environment  Green  Nature  Occupy 

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Human Restoration and the End of Nature-Deficit Disorder - Richard Louv

Seeds: 67
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File Size: 2.05 MBs

E book under: Education Ebooks 
Tags: Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze? 

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Why Don't Penguins' Feet Freeze?  - New Scientist and Mick O'Hare

Seeds: 25
Peers: 7
Completed Downloads: 765
File Size: 10.19 MBs

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